Dec 01, 2014 23:01

Seems like a nifty idea that I am snagging from MAB

I am participating in the Pay it Forward initiative: people who comment on this post with "I'm in" will receive a surprise from me at some point in this calendar year. Anything from a book, a ticket, something home grown or made, a postcard, absolutely any surprise. There will be no warning; when the mood takes me, and I find something that I believe would suit you and make you happy it will be sent. Copy and paste this to your own journal only if you wish to do so.

This sounds awesome. I'll screen comments, so if you want to leave your address you may. You might get a postcard or something else in the mail! You can also specify that you'd only like to receive digital gifts by either email or lj post. You can also leave one-word prompts! ♥

All LJ friends and friends of friends are welcome to leave me a comment!

about: gifts, pay it forward, about: life, about: writing

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