JULY 2014 - FIC + ART

Aug 01, 2014 00:33


Patience and Planning
Harry/Scorpius - PG-13 for hp_darkarts

A Chance Meeting
Harry/Blaise - PG-13 for hprarefest

Be Mine
Albus Severus/James Sirius - PG-13 for hprarefest

Pulled Towards You
Charlie/Draco - PG-13 for hprarefest

As Time Goes By
Harry/Draco - for hd_smoochfest

Unchanged Affections
Harry/Draco - for hd_smoochfest

FIC + ART: The Alliance
WC: 1480 - for hd_smoochfest
Pairing: Harry/Draco

Feeling At Home
Harry/Draco - for hpholiday

Right Or Wrong
Harry/Draco - for slashorific


The Luckiest Wizard WC: 200
Summary: It’s where I first told you that I loved you...

FOR dracoharry100

Knowing Better
Shattered Glass

Here and Now
Dirty Things In The Closet
WC: 415 - for hp_humpdrabbles
Summary: Where Harry is out and Draco is not.

...and Harry didn't stop
WC: 510 for hp_humpdrabbles
Summary: Harry and Draco go on a picnic, of course they do.

One Hot Afternoon
WC: 665 for hd_pots_n_porn
Summary: Harry is determined that Malfoy is out to kill him. With an ice cube. And that bloody tongue.

Another Mediation Session
WC: 365 - for hogwarts365
Summary: Harry and Draco are fighting over something and Millicent Bulstrode is trying to mediate the "conversation."

Confused Harry. Confusing Draco
WC: 500 - for hp_humpdrabbles

What Harry Wanted Next
WC: 540
Pairing: Harry/Sirius

One Week
WC: 365 for hogwarts365
Pairing: James Potter/Sirius Black
Summary: Sirius is going to spend one week alone in the Potter house as James's parents are out of town.

Wednesday Mornings
WC: 455 for rarepair_shorts
Pairing: James Sirius/Scorpius Malfoy
Summary: James just wants a quiet morning, Malfoy has other ideas.
Always Together - Salt & Pepper
Summary: ...like salt and pepper, they were always partners.

Watching Him Teach
WC: 830 for camelot_drabble

Resisting The Charm
WC: 705 for camelot_drabble

ACTIVE WRITING: Total words written and published (not fest fic claiming): ~6,060

Things working on/waiting to be published/claimed: hp_drizzle, hd_tropes, hd_cliche, hp_creatures, hd_fan_fair, hd_fanart, serpentinelion - glompfest, hp_crossgenfest, hrholidays, dm_asp_fest

Half of this could not have been achieved if it wasn't for the support of awesome members from hd_writers and merlin_writers! Make sure to join the community and be inspired!

year: 2014, masterlist, july masterlist, about: writing

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