Dec 01, 2005 20:33
Oh well.
Ken found another nice Scallorn point today, though. I need to dig with him. I got excited when I found something on my screen that looked like a point. One side was nicely flaked and had a notched shoulder like a point. The other side was flat, with only some marghinal flaking. Technically, a biface. Most likely an unfinished point using a flake preform. The unit in general was just scattered burned rock. Just enough to be a pain in the ass to dig around, but not enough to be a feature.
Tini was sick today. Sometime in the middle of the night she woke up nauseous. She ended up puking a bunch and then having aches and chills. I feel bad because I can't imagine being stuck in a hotel room sick all day. It was bad enough being in the hospital for three days!
Rash is gone, hooray! But I'm sticking to Claritin and watching the workouts for a couple more days. And avoiding HEB Beef Jerky. I don't know if the Claritin made me more susceptible to the sun, or if it was just more intense, but I actually got a little bit of a burn on my ears and neck today. Up until now, it's been sunny but I hadn't put on sunscreen with no ill effects. Today, I was pedestaling yet another burned rock and I realized that I could feel my ears burning.
My upper back and shoulders ache from pickaxing and hauling buckets. My lower back aches from digging and bending over the screen. It didn't take long for the rest of my body to get in field condition, so I hope at leats my shoulders follow soon!