Application for Super Robot Wars Unlimited Generations αlpha

Sep 06, 2012 00:29

Player Name: MaxSalsa
Personal LJ:
maxsalsa is kept most up-to-date
AIM Contact: UltimateSalsa
Character Name: Simon
Source Canon: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Community Tag: simon

EDIT 9/10: Updated Personality, and removed references to already having Gurren Lagann (we don't).

Notes: I'm going to likely be picking up Simon's old CR, which is honestly not much; lemme know if you want to drop whatever you had with him before. I'm going to defer to our Kamina on where we'll resume plot from and where we were, though. I think we'll stick with Lagann's ability to take over mecha working only on Gunmen. I'm also referencing TK's Simon app while I write for compliance.

Background: Simon on Wikipedia | Simon on UG@

Personality: Simon is a simple kid with a man's soul. (After all, drills are a man's soul.) Early on, Simon is content to follow Kamina's lead; he's the brains of the operation, but it's his bro that gets the ball rolling, and gets the Gurren Brigade into trouble relatively often. Simon spends his early days living in his bro's shadow, and he's all right with that; he doesn't want to be in the spotlight. That said, when Kamina needs him to step up to the plate, with some encouragement he's ready to do whatever needs to be done. Simon's also more than capable of motivating himself, but that works best when someone he's close to is in peril (or worse).

The kid's used to not really standing out; back in Jeeha Village, he was largely ignored, being short, uninteresting, and smelling like the earth. He took pride in his work and let that carry him through, but one way or another, Kamina's schemes got him interested, and he didn't particularly mind when he got roped in. Simon's role in the last attempt was just the icing on the cake, and earned his bro's further respect, which in turn gave him enough self-confidence to be willing to pilot Lagann at Kamina's request.

Simon has issues with loss; if someone close to him is injured or worse, he doesn't know what to do with himself. Usually his first choices are either revenge or despair, depending on the person in question; when Kamina becomes a casualty of the battle for what would become Dai-Gurren, Simon's lost in his grief for days into weeks. The best way to snap him out of it tends to be reaching out a hand to him, or if someone else important to him gets in trouble and he's in a position to do something about it. He tends to wall himself off until that happens, though, especially if he thinks they don't trust him, as they do in canon.

The key to bringing Simon back from the brink, though, is understanding that his friends are behind him, even if he isn't feeling it himself; indeed, he lives by Kamina's motivating phrase: "Don't believe in yourself! Believe in me who believes in you!" Once that gets through his head, he finds his strength again, and he's able to keep himself going for the people important to him. And a motivated Simon doesn't get down when something happens, he gets even. Simon's friends are his driving influence, and he'll do whatever it takes to protect them when the chips are down.

Outside of stressful situations, Simon doesn't really have hobbies when he joins the Chalice; he's only really ever known digging and Kamina. That won't stop him from trying, but it'll take some time to break out of his shell. All these weird surface people will take some getting used to, let alone their mecha that don't look like giant faces!

Simon's personality ironically doesn't change much with the timeskip; he hasn't really grown up, and even though he's the soverign apparent to the largest human surface settlement (in canon, anyway), he spends a surprising amount of time goofing off and doting on his girlfriend Nia, and wishing he had something to take Gurren Lagann for a spin against, having absorbed some of his bro's hot-bloodedness. Of course, when the Anti-Spirals come calling and he gets his wish, he's got no issues taking the fight to whatever comes to attack the city, because everyone in the city is under his protection, and he won't let them be hurt without a fight; things escalate quickly, though, and it's made fairly clear that Simon is no longer the brains of the operation. He's a good public face for the cameras, but Rossiu runs the country behind the scenes. That said, Simon is more than happy to take the fall for his people, and once he's let out to take the fight to the Anti-Spirals, he shows that he's still more than capable of leading an army, keeping everyone motivated in the grand fashion he learned from his bro all those years ago. (I'll expand this section somewhat when we get to adult!Simon if requested.)

Capabilities and Resources: Simon has a strong affinity for Spiral Energy, a non-tangible energy that can be harnessed by species with a capability for evolution. It can do any of a number of things, ranging from creation of matter (it ignores conservation of mass!), to opening holes in space-time, to making weapons and attacks stronger. Simon has a focus in the form of his Core Drill, which also happens to be the key for Lagann.

He's also very good at drilling, to the point of having a burrow speed while holding a drill. It's one of the things he enjoys doing, and it doesn't hurt that he has no real equal at it.

Robot Name: Lagann
Robot Description: Lagann is a small Gunmen, only about as tall as an average human, and is rather oddly designed: it's in the shape of a head with short, stubby arms and legs. The pilot, unlike most Gunmen where the cockpit is in the face, boards through the head, and the cockpit takes up the whole unit. Simon uses his Core Drill as a key to start it up, and its power is dependant on his mental state; if he's running hot-blooded, Lagann is markedly more powerful than usual, and if he's depressed or afraid, it'll be sharply weaker.

Unfortunately, Lagann's actual offensive skills are limited; it's capable of melee, and can headbutt things. It can also turn its lower half into a drill for attacking and digging. That said, Lagann isn't really useful for attacking. Its true strength lies in its ability to take control of other units and channel Spiral Energy into them, which can totally change the shape of the controlled unit, usually permanently. It also allows the unit to repair damage to itself, allows Simon to assume direct control, and can also make various mundane changes (like, say, adding life-support to a non-sea-worthy unit). Further, Simon can channel Spiral Energy further for unique attacks, often involving drills.
Terrain Stats:
Land: B | Air: - | Sea: C | Space: B

Robot Name: Gurren Lagann
Robot Description: Gurren Lagann is the result of Lagann fusing with another Gunmen early in the series. Simon and Kamina pilot this unit together, and it's versatile enough to see them through almost anything. It has two faces (one on Lagann, and the one big one on Gurren), large functional limbs, and a pair of awesome sunglasses that can be wielded as a melee weapon or a boomerang. Gurren Lagann's signature ability, however, is that it can manifest drills everywhere if its pilots are spirited enough, leading to the ridiculously awesome and powerful Giga Drill Breaker, used either to manifest a single drill larger than the unit itself, or attack with telescoping drills from everywhere. Either way, it's painful.

Gurren Lagann is highly adaptable, thanks to Lagann being aboard. It gains flight at one point during the series by virtue of hijacking another Gunmen, automatically seals itself and gains life-support for underwater combat in a pinch, and works just fine in space. Technically, Gurren Lagann is a unison between two units; the two can split apart in a pinch. But only Lagann requires a pilot; Gurren can be empty, so long as someone (usually Simon) is in Lagann and competent in piloting the duo.
Terrain Stats:
Land: A | Air: - | Sea: B | Space: A

Flagship Name: Dai-Gurren
Flagship Description: The Dai-Gurren is a Gunmen battleship that was taken over by Simon in the Lagann, and became the flagship for the Dai-Gurren Brigade. It's a huge ship that walks on two short legs, with arms and a pointy front end for ramming attacks. It features a hangar and launch strips, cannons (linked to a "fire the everything" button), and lots of space inside, with barracks, bathroom facilities, a kitchen, and a number of other amenities... almost like the Chalice, but more oddly-designed, and a bit less advanced. It's unclear if Dai-Gurren is sea-worthy; its default travel mode on water is to produce paddles and row itself along the water. Dai-Gurren is implied not to be capable of space travel, nor can it fly, but it has sufficient life support for its crew should they end up somewhere dangerous. Simon can control Dai-Gurren from Lagann while he's docked in it, but it's intended to be commanded by a number of bridge bunnies.
Terrain Stats:
Land: B | Air: - | Sea: C | Space: D

Upgrades: Will be proposed later, since they're liable to change.

Suggested Event List: Sticking with Kamina's mission list for now, which goes to the end of Act I. After that, I'll have a list coming for Act II and beyond.

Sample Post: Testrun here.

ooc, srwuga
