RPG Quotes: Blood & Pancakes XXVIII

Sep 01, 2016 21:12

The Pancake Party continues to mill about. Moonshadow is finally bringing Iris over so that the two groups match up their timescales. Yeah, apparently the GM lost track of time. Haha, silly GM...

Penny: “So, we feed the dragon who likes us, and then we could have a dragon who likes us for at least the rest of the day.”

Doc: “After spending over 5 hours in the ER, I can see why Doc left his home town to pursue adventuring. Less of a wait time and the magazines are more up to date.”

GM: “Kentucky is easy to ponify.”
Doc: “Is the capitol city Derby?”
GM: “Derby City! Home of the finest coal fields south of Appleachia, Moohammad Ali, and the Kenbucky Derby! It has all the bourbon and tobacco fields and mines and pot farms and hospitals a person could want! The first four industries feed into the last one! It's a wonderful cycle, if you're a nurse.”

Doc: “I want to create a Mary Sue test that automatically adds +1000 points if an OC has a foal with Fluttershy.”

Doc: “Now what you do is take that rage and channel it through your hooves to one-shot Iris.”
GM: “Iris would dislike it if her new pillow punched her. That could hurt or something. I mean, really.”
Moon: “Bringing all new meaning to Pillow Fights.”

Doc: “Not eating your friends is still something that occasionally happens in the wasteland, right?”

GM: “Moonshadow found a moderate-sized can of FOOD. The can was a light grey and just had ‘FOOD’ printed on one side in big black letters. There was no indication of what it was, actually. Possibly, it was FOOD.”

GM: “FOOD. It's edible!”
Viridia: “Can I have FOOD, FOOD, FOOD, FOOD, egg, FOOD, FOOD, FOOD, bacon, FOOD and FOOD? My partner will have the same, but can she have it without the FOOD?”

Penny: “You ate that? That looks like... well, the definition of wasteland slop.”
Moon: “It might not be exactly that, but the rations that the Enclave gives recruits during Basic is pretty similar. The mystery of its contents is only matched by the horror of what it might actually be. Also the faint smell of corn, which is weird because I'm pretty sure we don't grow corn.”

Livewire: “Steeellllaarrrrr! Viiiirriiiiddiiiaaaaaa! Stooooppppp arguuuiinnggggg!”
Doc: “Okay now I know even less.”
Viridia: “Know even less of...?”
Doc: “What Livewire is trying to accomplish by yelling at Viridia and Stellar to stop arguing because it's causing a scene.”
GM: “She doesn't want the two pegusi to cause a scene by arguing with each other, because while she's looting the building's basement she doesn't want any of the townsfolk to think anything weird is going on.”

Viridia: “Its times like this that make me want to get exploded again.”

Doc: “My crack theory is that Penny is actually Snowflake polymorphed and we killed a doppleganger she created with alchemy. After a good act and getting some lovin', Snowflake will use her charm powers to dominate Iris and then come back to town with a dragon to extract her revenge on Viridia. ...and her little dog too! Mwahahaha!!”

Doc: “And Shade would of gotten away with it if it weren't for us meddlesome ponies and our little dog too.”
Moon: “Stop stealing all the good quotes!”

Doc: “Okay then. Viridia hugging Livewire surprised me.”
Moon: “She is a constant source of unpredictable hugs, punches, and kisses.”
Doc: “Yeah, but my odds of that third one are pretty small.”
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