Missed My Own Birthday Post... Oops.

May 19, 2016 21:05

Yeah, I didn't make it on here to post about my birthday. I was busy. And by busy I mean I had a sick wife I had to take to the hospital for a surgery and ensure she's being cared for. So that's been the past several days to a week. Very exhausting.

I nearly passed out on my bathroom kind of fatigue on Tuesday. That's how little sleep and energy I had. o.o

Marginally getting more rest. Daughter is at least behaving like an angel. Her grandma came over to get her to and from school while I took care of the wifey. Oh, but this was a post about my birthday, wasn't it? Err... right.

So I've been commissioning some folks to draw my OC Doc Wagon. Waiting on a few more to come through, but they are happening! Yay! Also bought myself a rice cooker, so now I can make real rice and not that boxed stuff that tastes so salty. :x

Gonna tweak my gaming computer and then upgrade it to Windows 10. Because... might as well. It's not a bad OS. It has a few interesting features under the hood that I find smart. Can't stand the GUI, but a friend recommended this program called "Classic Shell" which fixes that! Eeyup, can make Win10 look more like Win7. Not perfect, but it's good and *FREE*

Can't argue with that price, right?
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