I drank orange juice today - BAD idea! It was a blend juice - 15% orange juice - and I thought I could get away with it, but no, I felt sick immediately after drinking it. I had to drink a lot of water and have real food to feel better.
I've never been able to tolerate orange juice, or oranges, ever since I was a kid. I think they taste fine but next thing you know I'm sick (no more details).
More on LMSE
The more I think about it, the more disturbed I am by the sanitation of of Les Mis.
I expected the foul language to be cut, but I didn't expect them to cut the plot elements of prostitution. The program synopsis says "Fantine wanders into the red light district. She sells her necklace and her hair. When she refuses to allow a street idler, Bamatobois, to purchase her services, he is so enraged, that he lies to Javert, claiming she attacked him"
It's as if Fantine *just so happened* to walk into the red light district while she was taking a stroll!!! They sanitize Bamatobois's lines so much that you can hardly tell he was trying to "purchase her services." In fact they changed his line where he calls Fantine a prostitute to "woman." To change the more derogatory: slut, whore or harlot is understandable, but if you cut prostitute you are missing the entire point of the novel!
Hugo again and again shows how society creates misery. Jean Valjean was forced to steal because he couldn't find work, society then assumes he must be an evil criminal so society sends him to prison which in turn makes a evil person out of him.
Fantine was fired from her job on the pretense of being a loose woman, someone who was "sleeping around" (this line was changed to "sneaking around"). Which she wasn't. With no other resources Fantine is then forced into prostitution. Society forces Fantine to become exactly what she was fired for being.
If you cut that point you are messing with the Art! You are destroying Hugo's literature. And if you are going to lay waste to it for the sake of "making the story accessible to general audiences" why on earth are you doing 'Les Misérables?' Why not do something more accessible to begin with?
It’s like when 'South Pacific' first premiered and people objected to "You've Got to Be Carefully Taught." Rogers and Hammerstein refused to cut it from the show, saying, if you cut that song you’ve cut the entire musical!
shawk says that the official version of the LMSE doesn't cut the prostitution elements. So this SE's changes apparently weren't sanctioned by Cam Mac - thank goodness! But still I find this very disturbing. I keep thinking of that line from 'Forbidden Broadway' LMSE has been "sanatized, shrink-wrapped and drained of all blood for your protection."
The foul language, violence, and sexual issues in "Les Misérables" are shown in context. they make a statement about society. It you can't handle it, don't do Les Mis!