Weekend Poll: Which Les Misérables Movie Performance Are You Most Excited to See? *Ooookkkkaaaay* o_O
3 Love Lessons From Les Misérables -- but it is actually decent advice.
Hollywood Chamber to honor Hugh Jackman with Walk of Fame Star Manny The Movie Guy:
Just Saw "Les Miserables" the Movie and… Tony D. Burton @AgentTDB
At screening of Les Mis. Amazing! @annehathaway and @hughjackman are locks for the Oscars #LESMIS
SUE PHILLIPS @ScentfullySue
Just seen Les Mis listening to the cast Hugh Jackman Anne Hathaway and director Tom Hooper and the cast SPECTACULAR!!
Matthew Kelley Rand @matthewkrand
Les Misérables. The movie of the year, unquestionably our winner for Best Picture. I've never cried so much in my entire life.
Chelsea Boudreau @cbou85
Breathtaking performances by Anne Hathaway and Hugh Jackman in #LesMis. A must see!
Rebecca Leonard @RebeccaL33
#LesMis is soo good! Everyone should see it. Unreal cast! Anne Hathaway deserves an #Oscar
Manny the Movie Guy @mannymovies
Oh my gosh, LES MISERABLES is a masterpiece! Hugh Jackman carries the movie and Anne Hathaway deserves a Best Supporting Actress Oscar!
Leora Heilbronn @leoraheilbronn
@CoreyAtad Sooo you liked it?
Corey Atad @CoreyAtad
@leoraheilbronn Yeah, but be prepared. I think I was one of the few.
Leora Heilbronn @leoraheilbronn
@CoreyAtad Yeah you were all VERY mixed on it.
Corey Atad @CoreyAtad
@leoraheilbronn Yeah. I feel like I saw a different movie from the others.
Corey Atad @CoreyAtad
@mrbeaks @davidehrlich *wise change. Also, the shows topper is easily I Dreamed a Dream.
Jeremy Smith @mrbeaks
@CoreyAtad @davidehrlich "I Dreamed a Dream" shouldn't be the topper. "One Day More", "On My Own" and "Bring Him Home" are the peaks.
david ehrlich @davidehrlich
@mrbeaks @coreyatad bring him home just dies. The film peaks 30 minutes in, like... planting Everest in an Idaho strip mall, peaks.
Corey Atad @CoreyAtad
@davidehrlich @mrbeaks LOL I disagree that it dies, but her performance is just so amazing that her song really is the peak.
Jeremy Smith @mrbeaks
@CoreyAtad @davidehrlich Don't get me wrong. It's a great song. I'm just worried that everyone's fixated on a first act number.
Corey Atad @CoreyAtad
@mrbeaks @davidehrlich One Day More is odd because the overlapping isn’t always quite right, but it was good.
Corey Atad @CoreyAtad
@devincf @davidehrlich @mrbeaks Do You Hear the People Sing works VERY well.
Corey Atad @CoreyAtad
@davidehrlich @devincf @mrbeaks You kidding? Because of placement, Hear the People practically steals the show from One Day More.
---- There's A LOT MORE conversation if you want to read it: Cindi Avila @ChefCindi
Waited yrs for @LesMiserables movie & it was worth it. Got to see early screening & loved it. Anne Hathaway killed "I Dreamed a Dream".
Half the Audience @HalfTheAudience
Dear Anne Hathaway, I have never seen anything so amazing in my entire life as I did 2nite watching you in #LesMis. Brava, my dear. Brava.
Erin Carlson @ErinLCarlson
Thoughts on Les Miz: MAJOR Oscar contender. Hugh Jackman haters will be silenced. Anne Hathaway outstanding. And Eddie Redmayne: who knew?
Amanda Lin Costa @TheLoneOlive
Have to say Anne Hathaway steals the show in Les Mis. @SamanthaBarks is a pleasure also worth seeing the film for as well.
Raymond Arroyo@RaymondArroyo
Host of The World Over Live on EWTN Thurs.8PM Est
28mRaymond Arroyo@RaymondArroyo
Just saw the new Les Miserables film. Jackman and Hathaway are electric and the moral center of the story sings in more ways than one.
Tony Rossi@tonyrossimedia
Saw screening of Les Mis tonight. Phenomenal film & performances, esp. by Jackman and Hathaway.
Meetu Chilana @meetuchilana
Just came back from an early screening of Les Mis the movie: EPIC! Anne Hathaway stole the show and Hugh Jackman's acting/musicianship was so honest it was beautiful! Russell Crowe was the downfall of the film- miscast and trying so hard to sing it made me laugh. It was clear who the TRAINED singers were. Can't fake that *beep* no matter how big of a name you are.
Yvonna Russell @StilettoFilms
@LesMiserables is a magnificent epic movie. Cast to talented perfection. Moved beyond words.@RealHughJackman , Anne Hathaway,@russellcrowe
Edward Douglas @EDouglasWW (
Les Mis - So much to say, so much under embargo, but if you like the musical, you'll love the movie! [----------
Edward Douglas @EDouglasWW (
And with Les Mis, we have a serious Oscar race now with five or six really strong films.
Sasha Stone @AwardsDaily (Awards Daily)
I wonder what it would have been like to see Les Miz with a crowd that clapped after the songs because in my screening: stony silence.
Edward Douglas @EDouglasWW (
@AwardsDaily They clapped a couple times, once for Anne, once for Hugh and once during the "intermission point" and the end.
Alexander White @LSUduck
Really starting to think @AwardsDaily is right about LINCOLN being the favorite to win. Les Mis' runaway hype machine might be its downfall
Sasha Stone @AwardsDaily (Awards Daily)
@LSUduck The hype is great for it. But without reviews and box office it is as yet empty hype. Lincoln has passed that test already.
Alexander White @LSUduck
@AwardsDaily Right, that's my point re lack of reviews/BO. A backlash of some level is sure to occur. Lincoln has no more hurdles to jump.
Sasha Stone @AwardsDaily (Awards Daily)
@LSUduck Well we have to wait and see how it plays out. I would be nervous without reviews. But that's just me.
Kristopher Tapley @kristapley (HitFix)
@AwardsDaily @marypols @joannalangfield It's not that I don't think they matter, it's that I don't think they'll be bad enough to derail.
Sasha Stone @AwardsDaily (Awards Daily)
@kristapley @marypols @joannalangfield Maybe not. Great reviews didn't save Dreamgirls anyway.
Molly O'Connor @molly_oc
@AwardsDaily @kristapley Only thing Dreamgrls & LM have in common is that they're both musicals. Not comparable in quality as stage shows
Sasha Stone @AwardsDaily (Awards Daily)
@molly_oc @kristapley no you're right. But I would argue Les Miz is an even harder sell for Acad.
Matthew Lucas @Matthew_Lucas
@kristapley @AwardsDaily So who wins SAG ensemble? LES MIS or ARGO?
Kristopher Tapley @kristapley (HitFix)
@Matthew_Lucas @awardsdaily That's between Lincoln and Les Mis, maybe.
Sasha Stone @AwardsDaily (Awards Daily)
@kristapley @matthew_lucas I can't entertain these convos. To me, it's Lincoln all the way. I can't even imagine LM winning anything but SA
Kristopher Tapley @kristapley (HitFix)
@AwardsDaily @matthew_lucas Well, that's the problem. Take a step back.
Sasha Stone @AwardsDaily (Awards Daily)
@kristapley @matthew_lucas I've never had a Best Picture frontrunner not connect with me in the least bit. It's never happened. In 13 years.
Joanna Langfield @Joannalangfield
@AwardsDaily only one clapping incident at my screening.
Mary Pols @MaryPols
@Joannalangfield @AwardsDaily Stony silence at my critic's screening followed by sound of dudes snarking at warp speed. Mizophobics all.
Kristopher Tapley @kristapley (HitFIx)
@MaryPols @joannalangfield @awardsdaily Ah. So critics screenings. Makes sense/means nothing (vis a vis Oscars). Crystal clear now
Mary Pols @MaryPols
@kristapley @joannalangfield @awardsdaily Agreed it means nothing for Oscars. Will dominate come Jan 10th.
Mary Pols @MaryPols
@AwardsDaily @kristapley @joannalangfield All I really know is that Ann Hathaway's skinny ass pulled a Jennifer Hudson.
Sasha Stone @AwardsDaily (Awards Daily)
@MaryPols @kristapley @joannalangfield then for me it was nearly two solid hours of torture. Not my kinda movie.
Sasha Stone @AwardsDaily (Awards Daily)
@kristapley @marypols @joannalangfield Maybe not. Great reviews didn't save Dreamgirls anyway.
Kristopher Tapley @kristapley (HitFix)
@AwardsDaily @marypols @joannalangfield Les Mis is better IMO.
Sasha Stone @AwardsDaily (Awards Daily)
@kristapley @marypols @joannalangfield I don't think so. But there is more fan attachment perhaps.
Mary Pols @MaryPols
@AwardsDaily @kristapley @joannalangfield The thrill of it, which I approach at a disconnect, is knowing how wild fans will be for it.
Sasha Stone @AwardsDaily (Awards Daily)
@MaryPols @kristapley @joannalangfield Indeed. It's a movie for the fans.
Sean O'Connell @Sean_OConnell (movie columnist, The Washington Post, Fandango, CinemaBlend others)
LES MIS: Hathaway's as devastating as advertised. Rendered me speechless. Wonderful scene. The rest of the movie? Eh, not so much. Chris Evans @achrisevans (BBC Radio)
I've just been to see what may be one of the greatest films ever made.
Chris Evans @achrisevans (BBC Radio)
Les Miserables starring Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe and Anne Hathaway
Manny the Movie Guy @mannymovies (Blogger, Manny The Movie Guy)
@movi_boni I freaking love it! I was just not crying, I was bawling!!!!!!
Marisha Pessl @marishapessl
Hugh Jackman is unbelievable in Les Miz. He makes breaking into song look totally normal. #loveit
Patrick Stoner @patrickstoner
If you love musicals, I’ll keep this simple: Les Mis is a Must #lesmis bfca
Jess Cagle @JessCagleEW (Entertainment Weekly)
Just saw Les Miz. fearless and original. Have never seen a movie like it and can't wait to see it again ASAP
Andrew O'Hehir @andohehir (
Damn close to a standing O at nyc screening of Les Miz. No Universal, that's not an embargo breaker!
Sam Adams @SamuelAAdams (LA Times and others)
@andohehir Or deserved.
Wilson Morales @blackfilm (
At Les Miserables press conference. Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway, Eddie Redmayne, Amanda Seyfried, and Samantha Barks just walked in. Wilson Morales @blackfilm (
Saw Les Miserables for a 2nd time tonight. That's how much I think the film is great. You will too Jessica Chavkin @INOJessica
Still SPEECHLESS from Les Mis screening, now it's junket time w/Anne Hathaway, Hugh Jackman & more. @VeraSweeney writing for you is AMAZING!
Jessica Chavkin @INOJessica
Drop what you're doing and buy tickets for Les Miserables on opening day #YESitsthatgood #stillhavechills #LesMisScreening @VeraSweeney
Jessica Chavkin @INOJessica
#LesMisScreening As good as you are expecting Les Miserables to be, it is a thousand times BETTER. I am literally speechless. @VeraSweeney
Wilson Morales @blackfilm (
In passing time while on set on Les Miz, Anne Hathaway and Samantha Barks sang songs from Rent. Anne was Joanne, Samantha was Maureen. ---- This one really hates it: Susan Wloszczyna @wozerina (USA Today)
First movie musical to elicit applause after songs since And I Am Telling You in #Dreamgirls.
Susan Wloszczyna @wozerina (USA Today)
To jerkwad who jeered "It's a movie" after folks applauded weeping Anne's I Dreamed a Dream, I hope you find where you left your heart.
Josh Horowitz @joshuahorowitz (MTV news)
Les Mis press screening off to great start. A fight nearly just broke out over seats. These people want their SINGING! Don't f with that!
Chris Cox @bigcox
*beep* In under an hour I will be watching the first UK screening of Les Miserables. I can't remember ever being this excited about a film
Chris Cox @bigcox
@zachbraff I'm just about to see the first screening in London. giddy with excitement. I assume they've added guy love to the score?
Mariel Matero @MarielMatero
RT @dailyactor: Saw Les Mis last night. Anne Hathaway, Hugh Jackman and Samantha Barks (Epinine) were freakin great. Can't get the songs...
Coty Galloway @CotyGalloway
@chad2271 Absolutely brilliant! I think every one should be nominated. Actor, director, sound, music, etc. Hugh Jackman #oscar
Barrett Foa @BarrettFoa
Les Mis movie was amazing. Like Best Picture amazing. Jackman and Hathaway for President. Wow.
Germain Lussier @GermainLussier (writer,
Mesmerizing, moving & magical, Les Miserables is a musical adaptation worthy of Hollywood history. Thanks Tom Hooper for doing it justice. Germain Lussier @GermainLussier (writer,
@SamsMyth It's gritty and great because it's all these close up long takes of them just singing. So good. GDJayneMovie. Germain Lussier @GermainLussier (writer,
Not surprised to hear mixed Les Mis reactions outside of the theater. It’s all singing, which can be awkward. Looking fwd to alt opinions. Germain Lussier @GermainLussier (writer,
@MattofSteel57 @CheetahHeel I was totally guessing but I think they might have expected Chicago, with some talking. This has like 0. Germain Lussier @GermainLussier (writer,
That said, I’m a huge musical fan and its a BIG musical. If they aren’t for you, you might be turned off by the gritty intimacy & songs. Germain Lussier @GermainLussier (writer,
@Jedwald90 For Hathaway as Supporting, yes. But everything else, nominations but probably no wins. Too different an experience. Judd Apatow @JuddApatow
I saw Les Miserables. Pretty great. I still think I could have played several of those parts quite well. I am aging into it quite nicely.
David Poland @DavidPoland (Ebert Presents,
If while attending the theater, you think "I wish I could see this in close-up with a lot of hyper cutting," we have found the movie for you
David Poland @DavidPoland (Ebert Presents,
I don't blame any of the actors for the failures of Les Mis: The Movie. Tom Hooper made audacious shooting choices.... mostly bad ones
David Poland @DavidPoland (Ebert Presents,
Nothing wrong with Russell Crowe's performance... but script for Javert is 1-note and his voice is built for JC Superstar or Evita, not this
David Poland &@DavidPoland (Ebert Presents,
Hugh Jackman takes the heat for not really having songs so much as having to carry the story. But he's never allowed to soar. He's a soarer
David Poland @DavidPoland (Ebert Presents,
I LOVE SBCohen & HBCarter.... but in Les Mis, they (via TH) take the unreality to a level the makes nearly every moment with them painful.
David Poland @DavidPoland (Ebert Presents,
Honestly, I went in to Les Mis wide open, hopeful... and I found it shocking. Not just not great. Not good.
Chris Cox @bigcox
Woke up thinking about the Les Mis movie. It really is brilliant and beautiful. Any Qs about it? I'll try answer
@bigcox Re: Les Miz. Does it open with the same powerful notes that the stage version does? If not, how does it open musically? Thanks!
Chris Cox @bigcox
@SarahB1863 Yup sure does, the score is probably 90% the same as the stage show.
C a t h e r i n e @IchBinCati
@bigcox May I ask does Sacha sing with an french accent? Are his vocals bad or brilliant? #LesMis
Chris Cox @bigcox
@IchBinCati yes speaks English sings with a French accent. He is very good
Jake McCollough @DonaldMcFearson
@bigcox How do you rate Russell Crowe's singing ability? Also, what did you think of the changes, for better or worse? #lesmismovie
Chris Cox @bigcox
@DonaldMcFearson he can sing. Doesn't really belt it and I was a bit underwhelmed with stars but he certainly isn't bad
Matthew Lumby @MatthewLumby
@bigcox There was talk of a 'new' song written for the film. Did it make the cut and was it any good?
Chris Cox @bigcox
@MatthewLumby yes it's in there and it's rather nice, it works but isn't overly memorable
Matthew Lumby @MatthewLumby
@bigcox Who sings it? Valjean?
Chris Cox Chris Cox @bigcox
@MatthewLumby yep. It comes after he takes Cosette away
funny fecker @funnyfecker
@bigcox is the singing up to scratch?
Chris Cox @bigcox
@funnyfecker very much so. Not a bad note in there, amazing considering it was all sung live
Aksa @aksatveit
@bigcox how was Aaron Tveit in the flim?
Chris Cox @bigcox
@aksatveit really very good indeed, he gets a wonderful iconic moment
ruben nepales @nepalesruben (LA journalist)
I dare you not to be touched by Les Miserables. It's a 4-hankie film.
ruben nepales @nepalesruben (LA journalist)
Tom Hooper's decision to make actors sing live in Les Miserables pays off literally and figuratively. There's not one false note in the film
ruben nepales @nepalesruben (LA journalist)
Just saw Les Miserables. It's the best musical film since Chicago. Still recovering from its powerful impact.
Kevin McCarthy @bdkreviews (Movie Reviewer, FOX 5 and THE JUNKIES on CBS RADIO, 106.7 WJFK-FM and Rotten Tomatoes)
After seeing #LesMis last night (can't review yet), it reminded me how awesome @RussellCrowe is as an actor/person! @bdkreviews That's awesome! Love @russellcrowe.
Kevin McCarthy @bdkreviews (Movie Reviewer, FOX 5 and THE JUNKIES on CBS RADIO, 106.7 WJFK-FM and Rotten Tomatoes)
@aliciamalone @russellcrowe he's amazing! He literally called the studio and had me added to his interview list - such a good dude
Kevin McCarthy @bdkreviews (Movie Reviewer, FOX 5 and THE JUNKIES on CBS RADIO, 106.7 WJFK-FM and Rotten Tomatoes)
Just saw #LesMiserables...can't say anything yet but I can't wait to talk about it!!!!! #DreamedADream
Kevin McCarthy @bdkreviews (Movie Reviewer, FOX 5 and THE JUNKIES on CBS RADIO, 106.7 WJFK-FM and Rotten Tomatoes)
@reddusfoximus haha I can't say anything yet! I'm under embargo - I'm listening to the original London recording now -love the music so much
Ricky Lo @therealrickylo
The movie brings the characters much closer to the heart. It moves me to tears as it sould do to those who will see it. #LesMiz
Ricky Lo @therealrickylo
Just done with the preview of Les Miz here in Tokyo. The movie, which runs for 2 hours and 38 minutes, is awesome, spell-binding!
Ricky Lo @therealrickylo
Great ensemble acting. Anne Hathaway gives a memorable performance as Fantine and so does Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean.
Ricky Lo @therealrickylo
The barricade scene in Les Miz gives me goose pimples and the revolution scenes take my breath away.
Ricky Lo @therealrickylo
Les Miz brings the characters much closer to the heart. It moves me to tears as it should do to those who will see it.
Les Miserables gets 4.5/5. Beautifully shot, acted, and sung. Just wish Russell Crowe could sing
Anne Hathaway is easily the stand out of Les Mis.
When she sang "I Dreamed a Dream," it sent shivers down my spine
londonlesmis @londonlesmis
@bigcox Cool! When does the radio show air? How was the new song, Suddenly? Does it have the same melody as another song in the musical?
Chris Cox @bigcox
@londonlesmis it's forgettable but holds its own. New melody
--------- See: Matt Pais @MattPais
Fun time with Eddie Redmayne and @samanthabarks, here with @lennygilmore. #lesmiserables Steven Weintraub @colliderfrosty
LES MIS press conference with Hugh Jackman, Anne Hathaway and a few others about to start in NYC. Not allowed to take a pic or I would...
kateyrich @kateyrich
Hathaway stops the press conference to log roll for Hugh Jackman: "What he does in this film is inspiring and we were all inspired by him."
Wilson Morales @blackfilm (
Hugh Jackman just gave a shout out to the cop who gave homeless man boots when talking about humanity. Daniel Ellis Ferris @EllisFerris
Quote from Anne Hathaway "Fantine isn't just in the past, women like her are alive, probable less than a block from here" #LesMiserables
Daniel Ellis Ferris @EllisFerris
And Anne Hathaway is just the sweetest thing. Heartbreaking statements about modern day sex trafficking #LesMiserables #fantine