But first, more on Samantha Barks:
HF puts young talent in the spotlight There is a debate about ADR in the Les Mis movie. We know the trailer that we still haven't seen uses some Automated Dialogue Replacement (or Additional Dialogue Recording) and now it seems more is to be added Monday.
Josef Altin @JosefAltin (convict)
La laaaa la laaaaa la la la la la laaa!!!!! Getting ready for my ADR for this Monday #LesMisMovie :) (
Caddy @Caddy_AT5
@JosefAltin ADR? (
Josef Altin @JosefAltin (convict)
@Caddy_AT5 voic over :) (
John Barr @JohnBarrUK (convict)
@JosefAltin Good Luck Mate - have you done your AD yet for Les Miz? X (
Josef Altin @JosefAltin (convict)
@JohnBarrUK monday my ADR for les mis :) have you done yours? Hope ur well mate ;) (
John Barr @JohnBarrUK (convict)
@JosefAltin joe I did mine before coming out to Caribbean for 3 months :-) xxx (
Sound man Simon Hayes shares
his perspective on ADR in film (not specifically related to Les Mis). Here is a preview of
a story he wrote for an industry magazine about his work on the Les Mis film.