Death on the barricade

May 16, 2012 15:42

Does George Blagden's tweet mean we're getting Hugo's version of Grantaire's death?

Samantha barks ‏@SamanthaBarks (Eponine)
@RealHughJackman how you feeling after yesterday? Can only describe it in one word... STUNNING! Congratulations! X ( source)
Andy Coxon ‏@andycoxon1 (student?)
I've been killed today!! Can't tweet a pic but my face is ruined. AND we wrapped our scenes with Hugh day... What a film this is gonna be!! ( source)
Andy Coxon ‏@andycoxon1 (student?)
So grateful for everything right now!!! Even if I am the most tired I've EVER been ( source)
Russell Crowe ‏@russellcrowe (Javert)
Ou est l'enfant Cosette? #lesmis ( source)
Samuel J Weir ‏@SamuelJWeir (student?)
Incredible day on the barricade. Just speechless #LesMisMovie ( source)
Jonny Purchase ‏@jonnypurchase (student?)
What an amazing experience. The explosions, gunshots, cannons all made my pants a different colour! #lesmismovie #barricadeboys ( source)
Andy Coxon ‏@andycoxon1 (student?)
Quote of the day "See you at the premier!" - Hugh Jackman ( source)

Iwan Lewis ‏@IwyLewis (Bahorel)
I got shot in the head today #lesmismovie #vivelerepublique #barricadeboys ( source)
Alistair Brammer ‏@alistairbrammer (Jean Prouvaire)
@IwyLewis and your wound looked epic! One of my favourites. Fo sho!! ( source)
Iwan Lewis ‏@IwyLewis (Bahorel)
@alistairbrammer Thank you sir!! Looking forward to some more dying tomorrow... I still think you guys can win this thing without me :-) ( source)
Alistair Brammer ‏@alistairbrammer (Jean Prouvaire)
@IwyLewis really? i duno. u were the glue that held us all together. I do love that we do probs the only job where u can die more than once! ( source)
Alistair Brammer ‏@alistairbrammer (Jean Prouvaire)
@IwyLewis ...unless ur lara croft or crash bandicoot ( source)

Matthew Corner ‏@mattjcorner (student?)
What a take!! Fighting on the barricade! Exploding cannons! Blood EVERYWHERE!! #barricadeboys #lesmisfilm ( source)
Rhidian Marc ‏@RhidianMarc (student?)
Stabbed through the lung at work today. Fine now. #lesmismovie ( source)

Killian Donnelly ‏@killiandonnelly (Combeferre)
Epic day. Farewell to @RealHughJackman & thank you for today x #LesMisMovie ( source)
Chris Milford ‏@Chrismilf (student?)
As I lay disfigured from the cannon @Jamiemuscato gently died in my lap... #LesMisMovie #aperfectending ( source)
Joseph Peters ‏@Joeypetes22 (student?)
what a day... Fought/died on the barricade and said farewell to the legend that is hugh Jackman. #peopleschampion #gentlemen ( source)
Stevee Davies ‏@SteveeDavies (student?)
Today was like being in a proper warzone! Incredible! Great day on the barricades with the #barricadeboys #lesmismovie ( source)

Fra Fee ‏@frafee (Courfeyrac)
The black eye I gained today does not look like a cool war's like poorly applied pink mascara...excellent..! ( source)
Stevee Davies ‏@SteveeDavies (student?)
@frafee Hope you're ok buddy ( source)

Alistair Brammer ‏@alistairbrammer (Jean Prouvaire)
I have a 'black man's pinch' on my finger from the barricade 2day. Is that still politically correct? Or should I say 'dual heritage pinch'? ( source)

George Blagden ‏@gblagden (Grantaire)
It is not noise that awakens a drunken man, but silence. ( source)

chris milford, jonny purchase, joseph peters, twitter, samantha barks, george blagden, matthew corner, alistair brammer, killian donnelly, iwan lewis, les mis, russell crowe, fra fee

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