3. Dominant and tertiary (e.g. extroverted feeling)
There are many schools of thought in Myers-Briggs. The system was invented by Carl Jung and greatly expanded on by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers. David Keirsey further expanded it. And I'm sure there are others.
Going back to Jung's original system, He sought to find each person's dominant Function. And each Function can be introverted or extroverted (meaning it is either inward-focused or outward-focused). It gets very complicated but here is a basic break down.
E vs. I and J vs. P are statements of ATTITUDES
If the last letter in your type is J, then you will use your JUDGING FUNCTION (T or F) in your external world. You will use your PERCEPTION FUNCTION (S or N) in your internal world.
If the first letter of your type is I (Introvert), the Function you use in your preferred inner world is your dominant, the other function is your auxiliary (#2).
So, as an INFJ, your iNtuition is introverted (Ni) and your Feeling is extroverted (Fe)
Remember that all people have all the traits. We just don't use the other traits as much. So those Functions you don't have (in your case, T and S), take the 3rd (tertiary) and 4th (inferior) place in order of importance. In Jung's theory, the inferior position is the trait that is the least developed and it is given the opposite ATTITUDE of your type (for you, this would be extroverted sencing: Se).
There's no agreement as to wither the 3rd position (tertiary) is extraverted or introverted. Some think that since it's kind of in the middle of the group it may have a swing role and alternate between being extraverted or introverted (your tertiary function would be T).
Thus, Jung's system organized the types into these 8 groups (your dominate Function is your group):
Se Si Ne Ni -- your group Te Ti Fe Fi
By contrast, David Keirsey disagreed with Jung and believed that N and S are the most defining traits and thus organized the types into his groups: NF, NT, SP and SJ.
I hope you were able to follow all that. I know it's very complicated.
Personally, I find Jung system to be useful and insightful, but Keirsey's system seems to work better (e.g. Jung would put John Wayne and Albert Einstein into the same group since they were both introverted-Thinkers; Keirsey separates them).
There are many schools of thought in Myers-Briggs. The system was invented by Carl Jung and greatly expanded on by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers. David Keirsey further expanded it. And I'm sure there are others.
Going back to Jung's original system, He sought to find each person's dominant Function. And each Function can be introverted or extroverted (meaning it is either inward-focused or outward-focused). It gets very complicated but here is a basic break down.
E vs. I and J vs. P are statements of ATTITUDES
If the last letter in your type is J, then you will use your JUDGING FUNCTION (T or F) in your external world. You will use your PERCEPTION FUNCTION (S or N) in your internal world.
If the first letter of your type is I (Introvert), the Function you use in your preferred inner world is your dominant, the other function is your auxiliary (#2).
So, as an INFJ, your iNtuition is introverted (Ni) and your Feeling is extroverted (Fe)
Remember that all people have all the traits. We just don't use the other traits as much. So those Functions you don't have (in your case, T and S), take the 3rd (tertiary) and 4th (inferior) place in order of importance. In Jung's theory, the inferior position is the trait that is the least developed and it is given the opposite ATTITUDE of your type (for you, this would be extroverted sencing: Se).
There's no agreement as to wither the 3rd position (tertiary) is extraverted or introverted. Some think that since it's kind of in the middle of the group it may have a swing role and alternate between being extraverted or introverted (your tertiary function would be T).
Thus, Jung's system organized the types into these 8 groups (your dominate Function is your group):
Ni -- your group
By contrast, David Keirsey disagreed with Jung and believed that N and S are the most defining traits and thus organized the types into his groups: NF, NT, SP and SJ.
I hope you were able to follow all that. I know it's very complicated.
Personally, I find Jung system to be useful and insightful, but Keirsey's system seems to work better (e.g. Jung would put John Wayne and Albert Einstein into the same group since they were both introverted-Thinkers; Keirsey separates them).
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