Jun 12, 2011 23:45
Isso drunk. Abbeysynth. Wherezevryone? F'ckn wasteland, thissss. Fuck'n billboarded-up alleyways of intercourse - concourse - discourse - of course. They fuck you up and trash you ought, they always due. Newrrk. Brrracklyn. Bushwick bushwhack burrrrghbush will'o'th'wick. Word's dead, 'tsall too fast. Office' is like a, like a, like a Minority Report board. PFAaaww. WHEEEEEEEE. !
I ain't be existin' hardly. WHerrrrrrrrrami who? Gaddam sellout to sellout firesale WHEEEEEEEEEE give'em give'em give'em it all, give'em everythAAAANG, oohhhhhh yes I seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the circle and it's jerking.
Oh the multiwhizz.
I did not want to want. I walked Madison, Fifth, Third and FIrst: nothing I wanted, nothing but, erm, ooh, a bit of the lobster croquette at Grand Central, yes, take that home, take home the pecorino tartuffo because it tastes like sex, just yes consooooooom fastfast how much time! is to last?
My identity for your TechnoSphere. Oh here! Oh my meeek and innocent, virtuous flower! Oh come sup my mugwump sprig! And just ditch you me, you Machine. Oh I out the sluice, refuse, come on just Benoit me into your bosom for I am tired.