Mar 17, 2004 10:42
So, I didn't do so hot on my math test. I wrote my teacher a long e-mail explaining myself, my situation, my need for understanding math in my future profession, and my need for a B in order to get into that profession. I don't know what I'm hoping to get out of that e-mail. a miracle, perhaps.
Yesterday was a snow day. I went out to lunch with the whole Ranato and Bobby crew, which was a good time. Ranato burned me the DVD of Legends of the Fall, which he knows i love. We watched it last night with the whole Piscura household. Man, is that a great movie, or what? I also got to hang out with Jess and just Moz for the first time in a lonnngg while, and we talked about how we're going to arrange our furniture in the apartment, though we don't have any furniture, nor did we have the room dimensions handy. It was still fun, though. Today, hopefully, we're going to go measure the dimensions in our apartment for the purpose of getting furniture.
Someone showed up to my math test decked from head to toe in green and very drunk.
Ah, St. Patricks day in Kent.
Last St. Patricks day i was wearing a tanktop, i believe. Why the hell is there a foot of snow on the ground?
I don't think it's going to be a good day.