Reasons why I enjoy
the new Star Trek trailer:
- They went and beat me on ideas/imagery I've wanted/WISHED I came up with first. Particularly the look of the film. FUCK YOU, ABRAMS, I WANTED A SIGNATURE TINT/LENS FLARE OF BLUE OR WHITE FIRST. Do you know which lighting trick I'm talking about? It's such a small detail and I like it. Also, the shot of the bridge's viewscreen lighting up as they drop out of warp with the siren. It just looks so appealing to what I wish I did first.
- I've enjoyed the "young pretty people in awesome situations are awesome" thing since I was 11. Except this is in space. It's like when I discovered peanut butter and nutella can go together.
- Moreso, they're characters I'm already familiar with.
- Captain Pike.
- Did I really just see characters diving into the atmosphere from really high up?
- Giant looming towers in the backgrounds of the fields/landscape, another little touch that makes me jealous because I like subtle depictions of "something about this is different."
- Oh, Bones, your bleakness appeals to me.
Reasons why this trailer reminds me I hate J.J. Abrams:
- That entire thing with little Kirk and the car and the cliff and the cop MAKES ME RAGE SO HARD. What the fuck is this? Why is there a car, let alone an old one? WHY DOES IT COME OFF AS SO FUCKING POINTLESS OTHER THAN TO BE VISUALLY CUTE. Remember when Tom Cruise flew into the car sideways in Mission Impossible 3? It's one of those kinds of gimmicky hooks. Like the Statue of Liberty head in Cloverfield; it LOOKS cool, it makes you giddy, but it's just a throwaway that pulls you in. I'm on to your tricks.
- You too, Kurtzman/Orci.
- Giacchino, you took a Children of Dune theme and made me think you made something awesome on your own at last. If you bring all those bad composer habits I hate to Trek I will kill you.