May 29, 2003 20:08
Alright. I went out with Kevin again last night. We went to the mall and walked around for about two hours. I called home and said we were seeing a movie. All was well. We kinda saw Daddy Day Care. Cute n' funny movie though. Made me laugh. Oh and Megs.. there's this lil kid in the movie and this one part he reminds me of me. I'll tell ya later. But anyways.. Last night made my pissy mood go away and that's a good thing.
I got all dressed up today. Wore a skirt and everything. Had my loverly new purse that Megs got me. I was sportin' the girl style for once. Mwahahaha! It was great, really. Kevin was shocked.
Meg came home with me. As usual. We talked to lil Marcus. I haven't talked to that kid in years. The kids a total druggie now. I would have never guessed that he'd be the kid smokin' weed and snuffing coke. Great.. He's a bad kid. After we got done talkin' to him, we came home and talked upstairs. I got quite pissed off because my fucking bitch of a mother will not let me have the computer in my room. Now, this is complete bullshit. I'm the only one mainly on the cpu anyways. What a stupid fuck. RAWR!
I went for a bike ride all by myself today after we dropped Meg off. I rode to Windmill Park and sat there by myself on the bench facing the river. It was nice (minus the bugs). I thought about stuff. I remembered the last time I had went to Windmill Park with Meg, Drew n' Nate. It was great. :sigh: Oh well. I was all relaxed on my ride and I got home and got all pissed off again. My mom asked me why I snapped answers. I simply told her.. "because I can."
Well, that's that. I'ma head off here.
-Asta Bananas!