Duel and Duality

Feb 17, 2003 19:24

I have some time! Ill spent on updating my journal. So I caught the railcar home today from school. Apparently they said on the loud speaker once we were pulling up into New Market that we had 'problems' that was an understatement at the very least. As soon as we took off from New Market, there is this pitiful little incline of a slope like 4 degrees, which we couldn't get up, so we stalled right under the motorway overramp for 40 minutes, until they realised that the reason why the behind railcar wasn't getting any power was because the cables that supply the *Oomph* had become disconnected. This was of course after they had cracked open the engine to see if anything was wrong. They should have looked elsewhere, usually the simplest reason is the correct one really! And for some reason, I'm sure we are the only country in the world that has to have 'heat restrictions' put on the trains during hot days where you'll often finding us competing for yardage against a very competively minded snail.
But despite it all everyone where we were just started becoming retarded and someone put on an am radio and we started singing along but making our own little changes..'Dont rock the train baby'. Being dumb is never not dumb, but it's fun when everyone else is. So I got home, but screw going to gym tonight. Sitting down for a long time is seriously an exhausting activity.

Im sitting the first exam of my A+ on friday :o, I spose I had better do some study. Conceptualising idea's and technologies involved with computers isn't a hard thing for me to do, but forcing me to sit down remembering tables of dma addresses, i/o ports, irq numbers, memory addresses and such like really is.. But......must doooooo.
Im thinking because Europe is so backwards and they really have quite an aging technological infrastructure that is getting milleniumized at the moment, Im going to piss off to England at the end of this course, work for awhile, earn some mint poundage, get my loan paid off then come back home and sit my msce. Must get oversea's before I'm thirty, because after that I'll be attached to a career and maybe a family like a mule to a cargo wagon. Then when I get back I might change my minor at university away from mathematics and do some form of management. Sounds like an idea. All wishful thoughts every single one! I doubt it'll happen that way but one can goalset. Which reminds me, AUT's orientation week is next week. Vesbar is back open! And in the nick of time seeing summer is over. So ive been roped into going out and spading first years with stars in their eyes by the resident smut duo in my class. I think I'll just sit back and watch the frivilty unwind as I'm not of the mind to be investing time and effort into anything but myself at the moment.
By the by, if anyone cares for the mind numblingly inducing spectacle that is the America's cup, I have a thought that we are going to lose it. If what's his face can come back and beat that other what's his face from a 80 metre deficit in like 2 minutes, then that what's his face is obviously a better sailor than the other one. And no matter how hard the advertising tries, you can not make yachting look fun and cool being a spectator!
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