MWEEEE... ok so I've wasted my time with it, but I feel so much better for doing it. It's the first bit of design I've done in awhile and I think it doesn't half look bad.
I'm ranting about my Lj layout, I've completely changed it, well bar a bit of the colour scheme, or color; as amaricans like to make me spell it in html. So come over my
Lj and
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Most of the page consists of lists of things (a menu list, list of roster members, list of details, etc.) so list tags are mostly used for the HTML side while the CSS gives them the effect of a table. If you look at the source you'll only find one reference to the javascript (used for the dynamic login box, delete confirmations, and a dynamic menu when logged in) which is the actual link to the file. You might remember the old way of using onclick="" or onmouseover="" in tags for javascript, which was incredibly ugly, but that's not done here as all the javascript is enclosed in the javascript file and it attatches events dynamically. If you're interested in learning about this stuff, order's DHTML Utopia, it's one awesome, AWESOME book on the subject.
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