happy new year! ...... uhhh, kinda?

Jan 28, 2004 23:18

Ok, now shush, I know it has been forever and I am a bad bad man, but if any of you were going to kill me you would have done so long since, hence I have no fear! Do you hear me, no fear! Tim, put down the Dremel, that is just not nice...

Well, on to other things, namely catching up with life in the last two months. Let me explain. No wait, there is too much, let me sum up... (movie quote anyone?) Desert hot, UAE fun, Christmas rocked, vacation too short, snow sucks, I hate temps below -30 at 7am, not being able to climb for another month or two is killing me, Neverwinter Nights is cool, Daiquiris are sweet, 7 pitchers of Daiquiris killed the big bottle of Bacardi, nerves about possible new job are getting to me, the car is a lemon, I am a library-whore. Ok, that just about does it, any questions? Good, now to move on.

In reading news, other than the seemingly unending quest to read all the Star Wars novels (don't ask, I am only through ~12 out of 76 or so), I have read a number of truly excellent books. Over Christmas I read the first books in two series that I had been meaning to read forever, Under the Tuscan Sun and A Year in Provence. Both were phenomenal and I can see why they are so popular. I read the sequel to Under the Tuscan Sun and have the two volumes that follow A Year in Provence on hold at the library. Did I mention that the library being shut down for a week, meaning that I can't even put stuff on hold is driving me crazy. I have come to the realization that I log in to the library's site at least once a day to put something on hold or check on my holds. This seems kind of crazy, but it rocks, I have just about given up looking for books while at the library, now I go off of recommendations from amazon, other sites, books I come across online etc... to guide me to new books.

Other books of interest to me which might be of interest to others seem to have a pronounced eastern bent to them these days. Which reminds me, how are you enjoying Memoirs of a Geisha Caitlin? I keep meaning to read it but have never gotten around to putting it on hold, so I interested in what you think. I just finished a book called The Salaryman's Wife by Sujata Massey, which is all about a japanese-american living in Japan. It is a mystery, but I loved it for the insights into modern Japanese culture, which always interests me. Definitely recommended. I also finished Rashomon Gate by I.J Parker, which is another mystery set in Japan, but this time in the Imperial capitol in the eleventh century. Not only did I truly enjoy it, but Nicole is half way through and I only gave it to her last night! It reminds me of the Laura Joh Rowland series all about Sano Ichiru, a Samurai detective, which is also quite enjoyable. So, when you put this together with having seen the Last Samurai last week, I have had quite the oriental tilt to my life of late.

Can't really think of all that much else at the moment, starting to think of ideas for songs for the CD. This could be fun, I have strange taste in music to say the least! Eclectic and odd here I come!
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