Aug 24, 2003 22:08
Another weekend come and gone so quick, seems crazy. The cottage was awesome, makes me impatient for Trev's parents to finish the property so we can bum some time at his *grin*. Of course, so is he so... The weather on Saturday was nice and sunny, but a little too windy for swimming. We relaxed all day, sitting on the deck or inside and reading. It was exactly the sort of downtime that Nicole and I were looking for. We even went out in the canoe for a while Saturday night, which was a lot of fun! (note to Trev: we need canoes/kayaks to go with the snowshoes *grin*) The canoe was kinda tippy though, whatever plan it was made to was a little less stable than I would have chosen, which Harold told us AFTER we got back, which was rather funny.
Saturday night was a little chilly to say the least, we were sleeping in the upstairs portion, which was uninsulated and had the windows open. Nicole got up to close the windows at one point and I got up and got another quilt to keep us warm. Still, the whole idea of snuggling under a quilt while the rest of the room is nippy is the epitome of cottage comfort. Oh, and warming up in front of the wood-stove in the morning of course! I love wood-stoves, they rock.
Sunday morning was pretty slow, got up at around eight, left the cottage at about 10:30 and trekked home to Halifax. Nicole and her Mom went to see a movie, while I relaxed and hung out with Trev at his place, which we haven't been doing nearly enough as far as I am concerned. We all then made our way to the climbing comp at Beyond Gravity (well, ok, Trev and Nicole and I, Tim and Lex bailed at the last minute for some reason or another), which was an excellent time. The usual BG crowd was there, got to see Sean for the first time in a couple of months, life was good. I got all of the first twenty problems but one, which has a nasty reach in it that I will play with later. Unfortunately, I didn't get any of the last ten, which sucked, although I think I can get one or two of them the next time Nicole and I go up, which would rock. For my prize, I got a CNS (Climb Nova Scotia) t-shirt, which puts me at like three climbing t-shirts I have gotten in the last three weeks. I am running out of t-shirt space! Argh!
In other news, Nicole and I said goodbye to her Mom tonight, as she is off to London to see her parents tommorrow morning, after an eventful trip here, or at least it was once they managed to actually get out of Toronto! On that note, I will also take my leave as I am dead tired, and it has taken me twenty minutes to post this, too many typos to count....