Aug 11, 2004 23:44
Fill it out <3
1. Would you:
a. keep a secret from me?
b. lie to me?
c. tell me you loved me (and meant it)?
d. not call me when you said you would?
e. kiss me?
f. date me?
g. die for me?
h. break my heart?
i. visit me if I were in the hospital?
j. marry me?
2. Have you ever:
a. kept a secret from me? (if so, fess up now dude!)
b. lied to me? (if so, about what?)
c. had a crush on me?
d. wanted to tell me something, but felt it wasn't the time? (if so, how bout now?)
e. wanted to kiss me?
f. wanted to date me?
g. cried over me?
h. dreamt about me?
i. thought about me at a random moment?
j. wanted to slap me? (if so, when?)
3. What do you:
a. love about me?
b. think is my best feature?
c. think is my worst feature?
d. hate about me?
e. think about me as a person?
4. If you could change one thing about me what would it be and why?
5. Do you:
a. think I am attractive?
b. have a crush on me?
c. want to kiss me?
d. want to date me?
e. hate me?
f. love me?
g. think that I am foolish?
h. want me to answer these for you?
x's & oi's
megan .