Still no needle biopsy yet. First they had to wait post surgery then my lupus went into overdrive and attacked my left arm and breast and my left Achilles tendon. I have a huge knot on the back of my left heel and it hurts when I walk. I had to use a Solumedrol Dose pack to try and beat the inflammation back a bit. Which makes my venturing outside much right now even more problematic. Weather permitting it's scheduled for next Tuesday, the 16th. I hope they don't have to cancel it again, it's hard not knowing what's going on with my breast. Even if it's bad news it'd be good to know.
Still waiting for all my med claims to cycle through. The big $54,000 hospital bill, and some smaller ones, are still pending approval. So far it says my out of pocket responsibility from Anthem is $3927.50. I'm hoping some of it will be paid by Medicare but it's a waiting game to see what they will cover.
Plus, we've got a new problem to deal with somehow. We've got water damage to the plaster on our chimney in our upstairs bathroom. We paid to have someone come out and inspect and clean it this week. The news wasn't good. I don't know when we'll be able to do the repairs for the problems he said he found. Besides the mortar repair he said we need, we also need to replace our chimney cap and seal. The quote for everything is $2766! I asked if we could break the repairs in two, do the cap and seal first and the mortar repairs later. He said we could, that the cap and seal would be $1484, the mortar repair $1060, before tax. Both still really scary numbers! We're going to be getting more estimates done to see if anyone has a better price to do the work. We just have to wait for the weather to improve. No one can go up there while everything is iced over.
It sure has happened at a bad time for us. Unfortunately we can't put off the repairs for very long or we'll have expensive plaster repairs, too. Right now they're still something that Lee can tackle.
As always, one step at a time. It's all we can do, realistically. I'll keep you posted on everything. Hope that everyone is staying safe and warm. Sure do miss you all.
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