Another Half Price Books run tonight...

Apr 23, 2019 22:01

This one went much better. We took three boxes of DVDs to sell to them tonight. They ended up taking them for $111.00 so there was much yay!

I held back two boxes of discs that I hope to sell separately. Things like a full set of all seasons of Babylon 5, Crusade, plus the movies, seasons one through three plus six, seven and eight of Supernatural, the last three never even opened. Season seven of Smallville, all the special edition copies of the Lord of the Ring movies, Spider-Man One, Two and Three, the Avengers Emma Peel collected edition, Starsky and Hutch season one and more. I’ll make a list of everything as soon as I can.

We’ll have more to take in to sell as soon as we can go through our CD collection, which we’re also going to pretty much sell off. Plus I’ll have all my boxes of comics to sell as I can get to them. Though, I think I’ll take additional boxes to one of our other local comics stores. They still haven’t gotten through my box of Hulk comics I dropped off last Thursday at the Great Escape. It’s the store closest to me but that’s sure a long time to go through one short box of comics and make an offer.

Things have gotten so behind because of how buried in medical debt we are. Each new bill has caused a domino effect of missed payments that I’m determined to conquer somehow. We’ve been a month behind on our house payments for a while now. Unfortunately Wells Fargo won’t let you pay extra each month to catch up, they want it in one fell swoop. It’ll just have to stay as it is until we can get in better shape and I can put some back each month to pay it.

There are so many things we need to tackle, the house needs painting, our gutters need work. If I have to sell anything that’s not locked down in our house to get there, I will. I’ll miss our movies, my comics, our music CDs but they are all just stuff. If I can somehow make things better for us it will be so much more than worth it.

Thanks, guys, as always, for listening. 😊💕


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