More stuff for sale...

May 15, 2018 22:53

Hi guys! I'm starting to post some pretty purses for sale, mostly on eBay right now but you know if you see something you want I'm happy to sell it to you directly. Here's the link to my store on eBay:

And here's the links to the stuff I listed for sale the other day:



As always, If you see anything you'd like, just let me know, we can figure out what postage will be then add it on. I can do checks but would prefer PayPal if possible. My PayPal addy is bstaton @, without the spaces. Sending payment via Friends and Family would be great, too. They take out tons of fees otherwise and we need every penny we can raise right now.

This next question is for real. I was just wondering if anyone of you have ever sold their plasma before for pay? How do they pay you, is it different everywhere? We're almost overdrawn at the bank right now, we've got a whooping $29 in the bank with more to come out, and when Lee went to see his kidney doc yesterday his blood pressure was sky high. He's changing around his dosages and there are some new prescriptions I'm going to need to pick up for him. I figure if I can sell some of my plasma that should give us enough for his meds. If I get some stuff sold I might be able to squeak by but he has to have his meds. I'm not taking any chances with his health. If it means I need to try and sell my blood I'll do it, and gladly.

I hate being this broke but, what can you do? We make just over the limit of qualifying for financial aid at the hospital so all we can do is pay down the $6000, and counting, that we owe them as we can. Stuff always happens, like having to fix the roof in our garage. We just have to pick ourselves up, keep fighting and get on with life as best as we can.

Hope that your day was good. Thanks so much for looking! :)

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