Help with garage repair...

Apr 16, 2018 22:18

Hi Guys! I'm still trying to raise money to repair our garage. The flooding, snows, the crazy weather we've had lately has really done a number on it. Lee's done as much of the repairs as he can but we still need to hire someone to do the main work, all the stuff too high up in the rafters. This is how things looked before Lee started working on it. He's gotten the insulation back up where it belongs and done a lot of clean up:

I've posted a lot of gorgeous jewelry, some Bath & Body products, some Art Glass, books, toys and even some vintage Glass Perfume Bottles to my online store the last few days! Plus I've sent a list of my zines to Beth to see if she might like to buy them. There'll be a lot more to come.

If you could spread the word about my having new stuff up for sale, that would be wonderful. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Medical bills are already eating us alive, it's hard to save for anything unexpected. If it wasn't for gofundme being hooked to Facebook I'd make one to help raise the money we need. I don't because so many of Lee's family members and co-workers are on our feeds. There are some people I'd rather not know our business.

Here's the link to my eBay store:

If you see anything you'd like, but don't like using eBay, just let me know, we can figure out what postage will be then add it on. I can do checks but would prefer PayPal if possible. My PayPal addy is bstaton @, without the spaces. Sending payment via Friends and Family would be great, too. They take out tons of fees otherwise and we need every penny we can raise right now.

Thanks so much, as always, for looking. :)


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