You know guys...

Dec 08, 2007 12:50

I'm not the fandom police and I sure as heck don't know how to control things. Heck, I can't even do that in rl much less online. Even with what little I've been able to be on the last few days I've read the snide remarks, seen the hurt feelings and watched the anger between you guys growing exponentially. Again.

I posted the Respect icon in my lj. It wasn't because of any Fat!Jensen ficcage, or comms, or how fans have been acting at conventions. I barely have time to read new fiction and it's been several years since I could afford to go to a con.

When it gets right down to it, I wouldn't have the right to point any fingers anyway. I mean, I not only slash them whenever I get the chance, I put them in artwork all of the time wearing as little as I can get away with. I've never done it out of any intention to hurt anyone's feelings but I don't know how they would react if they saw what I do. None of us do, really.

It seems that lately pretty much anything that's said gets blown wayyyy out of proportion. That every other day there is more wankage being reported, more anger and name calling. I posted the icon, and the meme, because I thought that the basic idea behind it was a good one. I posted it because I wish that we could start being nicer to one another again. That we could remember that we're all here for the squee and the silliness and the escape from all of the crap in our day to day lives. I know that, in reality, none of the actors on the show really need me to protect them.

While I hate to admit it, stuff like this reminds me how much older I am than most of you here. Sometimes I just want to shake some of the people I see posting and remind them that there are real people sitting behind those user names. That their words do have power, that maybe they should stop a minute and consider every once in a while before they just blindly hit that enter key.

It's easy to think 'Hey, look at me, aren't I being so cute and clever. Let's show those bozos just how naive and stupid they are!' The saddest thing is, most of the time, you aren't. Setting out to purposely be-little and hurt another person only really shows how small you are in comparison. Remember that old message of Karma? That what you put out in the world comes back to you in the end. How difficult is it to make what you post something positive instead of something mean and negative?

We do need to show a hell of a lot more respect here online, especially to each other. As the icon says, it's not that hard. And it sure as heck isn't rocket science.

The icon is for sharing if anyone else would like to use it.
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