Come on baby now throw me a right to the chin.

Dec 11, 2004 16:12

Odd fact, my cat's poo smells like cabbage right now. Considering the fact that the litter box is in a totally seperate room, I would figure that i shouldn't be smelling it.

I got in a refund from the city of valdosta. It was from my water deposit that I made a year ago. Atleast something good came from my old apartment. I'm living in a house on oak street now. I vibe that I get from this house is good, not stressful. That is a good thing. I enjoyed my apartment, but I felt like everything was split in two. Gah. enough of the past, this house is better and I want to keep it that way.

Anyway, on to future plans. Jared and I are saving up money to move to Eugene, Or. We're hoping to move Spring 2006. Eric might be coming as well as some other people. I figure that a big communal move would be fun. We could have a caravan across the country. Moving excites me. Normally I would worry about finances and careers, but now I'm looking forward to the unknown. I can have a menial deli job anywhere, even in Eugene.

In other news, because of a speeding ticket, jared might lose his license. Therefore, we have decided to purchase a Vespa Scooter for commuting. that way, if he does lose his license, he can drive the scooter to work, or if he doesn't lose his license I can drive the scooter to work and he can use the altima to deliver pizza. either way, something will work out.

as for current, I am about to go explore the dollar store and eat some cold pizza. Maybe i can get in a few rounds of final fantasy tactics before I have to go.

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