
Feb 01, 2007 21:35

So, Rebecca and I really hate estate agents. Lets review, and where I write 'I' it's actually her doing all the work, as I am at work, and she is at home.

A) They do precious little work from my perspective.
-I search for properties online, which results in numerous phone calls.
-I call to find out if the property is available. Even if the website says it is, they often don't update them or remove them, so it's a gamble really.
-I call to find out the inspection time. This is a mixed bag, as sometimes they are away, and I leave a message. This results in...
-I call back to find out why they haven't returned my call.
B) They deliver a very impersonal service.
-You inspect the property with a group of other people, anything from 5-10 couples (that's 20 people crowded into the property).
-Often the previous tennant is still in the property, and all their stuff (even better when there are 20 other people trying to see everything).
-You have 15 mins to rush around, with a group of other people to view the property and collect an application form.
-Sometimes you need to get the keys from their office, and go view the property yourself.
C) They deliver a very bad service.
-During a 40 minute wait at one office, I recall the most often used word was, "Sorry."
"Sorry I didn't get back to you."
"Sorry we don't have the keys at the moment."
"Sorry, that property is gone already that listing should be removed."
"Sorry she isn't in the office currently, no I don't know when she will be back."
"Sorry, the keys will be back in a moment."
*10 minutes pass*
"Sorry, the keys will be back in a bit. Someone else is looking at the property."
*20 minutes pass*
"Sorry, the will be back soon."
"Sorry it's been so long, the landlord is away."
"Sorry, you need to send that to headoffice, not here."
The best one was when the receptionist realised that the person another couple were waiting for (for about 40 mins like us), doesn't even work in this branch...
"Sorry, I've just realised you need to go to Dingle Partners in Melbourne East, would you like the address?"
-They are not thorough...
I had to fax my bank statement 3 times to one agent, who then said there wasn't enough money in it, despite the closing balance on the front (and only page they received) read $4000 (AUS).
D) They have no standardisation.
-Every application form requires ID. What is considered as ID changes for every form.
-If there are 10 applications all 10 get sent to the landlord/lady for review, they decide who to process first. It feels like a lottery, as there is nothing you can do to rank yourself higher in priority or acceptability. I was declined an application recently, based on someone else having a higher salary.
-Sometimes, when the estate agent/landlord/lady cannot decide, you will get asked to bid. Not only is this unethical, it's also totally illegal.
E) Estate agents act like their time, is the only time in the world that is precious.
-Your questions will often get answered in a breathless stream of information, with little/no time to note anything down.
-If you miss the tiny 15 minute window, or are running slightly late, they will not wait for you. Oh no, waiting 5 mins is totally out of the question.

I actually wish this industry was government controlled and regulated. As it could benefit from some standardisation. I honestly feel like a rat, clawing at scraps when viewing properties, and I think estate agents have absolutely no problem with a lack of business, as there are always tons of people at every inspection. In addition, I do not feel like I have gotten any customer service at all. At no point, did they do anything for me but the bare minimum. Furthermore I do not appreciate feeling like I have no other choice. It's not like there are private property rental listings somewhere, are there?

"They are considering reintroducing wolves to the sky..." - Bec.
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