Dropping timelines

Jan 10, 2012 19:35

Imagine you were a designer of an elaborate videogame. You design the stages, the characters, the rules and the plots. You construct and implement everything that exists and interacts inside it.

You generate all the bits and the bytes inside the source code .As a matter of fact, you ARE the Game.

However, for the sake of making it fun for yourself to play too, while remaining omnipotent and omnipresent, you can divide yourself into infinite sub-units, make your presence invisible and trigger amnesia in your subs under certain circumstances so as for the game to never get old. You entrust each of your created elements with sufficient memory, intelligence, processing capability, variable choice, and a degree of interaction with its meta-environment and adjacent players. To some characters you even give free will. And you make it all true enough to be considered a Reality.

In your apparent absence, every time any of your game elements makes a pivotal decision of any kind, you back-log that decision's maturity vector for future reference, while dealing with higher priority tasks. You cyclically suspend the whole animation scenario and copy it's totality to a different disk, so that each circumstance, player and stage can become completely independent from all others - to develop somewhat autonomously. In the meantime, the original games go on uninterrupted, so as to avoid confusion among the root contestants, who keep gaining experience, individuality and skill in the meantime.

Every single movement, every newly-collected know-how, every breath and heartbeat will be carefully analyzed eventually, once the time comes to pass to the next stage, to harvest the fruits of your gaming experience in search for the best possible outcomes, the highest score available, the greenest grass.

You separate each physical memory unit from the other with a thin veil of astral energies, so as to keep all cast and characters factually interconnected, but apparently separate and concentrated on the current learning experience; so as to avert turbulence among your vibrant interactive audience, because they will NOT be able to cope with such massive array of data on their own. Gradually, you compile and undetectably connect all elements into larger and larger structures; you transfer entire dimensions and universes onto carrier memory platforms.

You burn your potential scenarios onto CDs, assemble these CDs into racks, clusters, server farms and gigantic warehouses of Celestial Existence. And you have billions upon trillions of such warehouses on eons of fields, planets and universes...

Once a warehouse runs out of space or reaches a quality (celestial age) ripe enough for harvest, you cyclically go through each and every scenario CD to assess it, and to derive the totality of knowledge and experience it has brought to the game. You discard the useless and you keep the profitable, so as to merge their knowledge, wisdom and skill into higher-density scenarios - to allow them to become Designers too, because they have proven themselves worthy of such significant and responsible position; so that eventually, they can become like you - Creators of Infinite Universes.

Some scenarios you can quarantine for future reference, because you are still unsure where exactly they belong - the bin, or the next branch on the tree of creation. And you come back to these quarantined features later, upon the next cyclic passage of the reading laser head, while letting them play and divide into further clusters of physical discs in the meantime.

But eventually, even the largest of warehouses of quarantined CDs gets over-packed too! It appears to contain a majority of game elements that never bothered to learn, never gave a damn about others, and remained unprofitable to themselves and The Game at large, despite the infinite opportunities provided for them.

What do you do with such corrupt memory cells, be it a single unit of consciousness or an entire warehouse filled with them? Do you drop them as useless and obsolete? Do you over-write them? Or do you keep letting them play until they eradicate one another together with their neighbors? Until their timeline runs out of options, and their screen reads "Game over"?

But what if by destroying themselves and their current Game, through their rooted interconnection to other - better-performing elements, from which they all essentially stem -  your quarantined building blocks take their parallel copies down with them? What if the destruction cannot be contained within their respective cluster, but will ripple from a single element to an entire warehouse and beyond?

At this point,  the game has become too complicated and you are simply unsure if such could be the case. Plus, it would require too much back-testing and simulation to figure out the degrees of their entanglement, their dependency on one another, from one competing champ to the next.

So you simply create intelligent filters, through which the gaming scenarios will pass one by one, and get discarded or accepted into the next stage based upon specific rules. Servitude versus domination, benevolence versus destruction, love versus fear; that kinda rules.

Because ultimately, the Game has no end and no beginning; it simply exists and is initially designed for you to play forever by default; it is not result-oriented, it is PROGRESS-oriented!

But what if even the most elaborate of your filters fail to distinguish the good from the bad and the ugly?

Well, in this case you intervene personally, because enough is enough!

You send copies of yourself - Architects - conscious energies carefully concealed in anonymity, so as to prevent the Game from stopping; so as to make sure nobody begins to show off or play nice, while you're in there checking upon them at any given level. But before the Architect can have his say, he must learn the rules of the game too, because he is not necessarily aware of them from the start.

The Architect's job is to infiltrate any given portion of the Game on any given level, ranging from a timeline in a physical universe CD, to rack, to cluster, to server farm, to warehouse and so forth. It is to collect information and assess all potential outcomes, so as to evaluate the probable future progress, and make changes where necessary - to intervene up and down the timeline, in order to save it from destruction, because you simply cannot let it destroy itself for fear of damaging the Entangled Others.

On higher levels (warehouses, server farms) the architects remain pure energy - they distribute and administer balance to the Overall in a constant flow of data. On the levels of Physical Matter Reality (records on CDs - physical universes, galaxies and civilizations), all Architects have the obligation to clone themselves too, and blend into the gaming environment, so as to remain invisible and cautious; to be just like the rest - almost human, if you will.

However, the Architects cannot correct the timelines indefinitely. They do not have the capacity, willpower or permission to do so. Nor is there much point. Eventually, there MUST be an ultimate test of sorts that will decide on the destiny of a given timeline. If such timeline is deemed impossible to save due to karma collectively generated by its participants, if the majority of its elements still refuse to contribute to the Overall despite the given warnings, the Architects have the power to implement a Final Solution on any fractal level beginning at the very root.

They can drop the timeline on any given marker inside the cyclic scenario, and erase the majority of harmful memory elements, while saving only those that they personally vouch for, or that have passed the simple automatic filters of universal inter- and intra-benevolence.

Because in the end of it all, you, as the Supreme Designer, DO have the power to disengage the apparently entangled relationships! All you need do is be vigilant, concentrated, critical, and involved.

And goddamn, does it piss you off to get involved in such trivial insignificant matters!!!

So here's the deal as I perceived it (I may still be very wrong, but based on prior experience, the increasing magnitude of received information, and the recurrent quality of these visions, the margin for error is minimal):

There is a bet that this timeline needs to be dropped (or, at the very least, some of its elements), it's been in the red for far too long... Some of us are here to evaluate the situation and correct it if possible... Others, if we fail, will step in and apply the Final Solution...

Humanity is not learning... There is no progress... One civilization after another they destroy themselves and succumb to fear, greed, envy etc... They make up histories and dupe others into submission, while in reality, long ago they had been entrusted with the opposite, because EVERYONE here deserves and has the right to ANY future he or she chooses.

The forces of good and evil are pretty balanced on this planet, but that's not good enough. Mere balance is stagnation, and stagnation is equivalent to destruction in the long run... Humans are surviving, but NOT living. They navigate from one dooms day prophecy to another, barely avoiding the BIG ONE each time, hanging by the thread despite all prior warnings. And they have pissed off a lot of supervising entities up there, who are barely willing to keep this anarchy and pandemonium going for much longer...

Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu... ALL have made the same mistakes and were ALL "taken care of" to a variable degree for the sake of saving others. But most importantly, they were warned that this time is their last because the Big Dude, in whichever grand apparition of his, is coming around at the end of next cycle and he sure as hell will not be so nice after so many ignored messages!

I took the side of the bet to prove that humanity is indeed worth the hassle... Me and some others... But if our final evaluation comes back negative, if we give up in trying to prove our point... Well, i guess u know what this means... But we will take as many as possible with us...
Others... I don't know exactly what will happen... I guess those units of consciousness will just be reloaded - all memories erased and placed into new meta-environments to collect experience anew... Maybe even start off as physical objects, who knows...
But thats just an educated guess...

2012 is the next marker on this fractal timeline.

We are the Architects of Change.

We intervene when necessary. We intervene to make changes. We intervene to correct.

But we are currently forced to begin dropping entire timelines - cleaning up the server farm one CD after another...

Because at the current stage, this cluster is running out of storage space if you see what I mean...


Dropping timelines.

We are the emanation, the radiance, the discharge, the quality of thought, the Silent Centre.

We are the architects of time, space, matter, energy and everything else that exists in known and in yet-to-be-invented universes.

We intervene when necessary. We intervene to make changes. We intervene to correct.

In the Infinite Scope of possibilities time does not exist. It is simply provided for all to learn and can be changed regardless of apparent rules, in any direction necessary, by any protagonist sufficiently skilled and trusted with such task. But that trust must be earned.

From the point in "time" when the singularity first divided itself, from the moment it asked its mirror opposite "what happens if...", the course of Creation has begun. A set of pinging interactions between "yes" and "no" functions has been set in place in order to facilitate this process of self-discovery.

Are you awake? - No - Then wake up! - Yes!

Periodic impulses, such as lives, astral cycles, seasons, and even the time itself are all part of this pinging interaction. They set the pace for system development and avoid stagnation, for without them, progress would be unachievable and results hardly open to assessment. The System of Absolut would either take forever to make a decision, or would make it so fast, that no element inside it would be made aware of this decision thoroughly.

All There Is silently corrects itself up and down all possible impulse fractals or, in physical universes - timelines, by gradual and thoughtful distribution of energies wherever they may be required.

Like Robin Hood, it gives to those that lack, strive and deserve, and takes away from those that glutton, devastate and deceive,  in a never-ending quest for balance.

Like a turtle burying itself in the sand, it moves one way and then the other, distributing its weight, pressure and attention to each and every grain in the nest; it tests every possible outcome and makes itself as comfortable as it possibly can.

Each grain in the sand is an entire Universe of its own. Each has its own laws, limits, energies, timelines, and reasons for existence.

However, the single reason of existence that combines the Overall is PROGRESS. For progress is the only way the Overall can survive in the long run; stagnation and regression are eventually dropped as futile energy consumers.

This applies only to superior  levels of Universal Consciousness - the higher density planes, the upper dimensions of freedom.

However, contrary to popular belief, the reason for existence in physical universes is NOT ONLY about balance. Balance in learning, in sharing and in loving everything that exists next to you - YES!

But it needs to be understood that Balance does not just happen; it begins with each individual grain and perpetuates onto other grains that form entire dunes and beaches once they all begin to resonate to a common vibe.

But before this happens, it needs to be fought for, respected and deserved. And most of all, it needs to bring PROGRESS and make your world a better place, for there is simply no reason for any other worlds to exist. Only Collective AND individual balance in ANY system can liberate energies to do work on any of its fractal levels. Without balance, the energy is spent on organization of existing sub-systems, rather than construction and integration of new ones.

Souls' only purpose is to organize reality around itself in the best way suitable for the Overall - to reach balance and progress individually, and thus - collectively. Those that succeed in conserving their individual energies and gaining new ones thru attainment of balance (self-organization) get promoted at the end of each loop or cycle - they are harvested and upgraded to become more powerful Architects.

One cycle after another, one harvest after the next, all units of consciousness grow larger, wiser and more constructive to eventually fill the cycle to the brim with opportunity for creation, and spin off into an entirely new adventure elsewhere.

The Grand Scheme of the Master Designer is to allow all his children the opportunity to become just as omnipotent and omnipresent as he is eventually; or as much as they can ever become through learning and progress.

A soul is designed in a way to make EVERYTHING POSSIBLE, as long as it learns benevolently and progressively. It can divide itself into as many sub-units as it wishes, as long as it believes and is believed to have sufficient energy for such ventures. It can create entire realities at mere will and populate them with sentient beings - self-aware copies of itself that too can one day gather enough energy to construct their realities.

Each grain of sand gets shifted closer or further away from the turtle depending on how comfortable it makes the turtle feel; depending on its importance in the turtle's nest. Some grains provide heat for the eggs, some support them from gravity, some hold the necessary moisture.

But in the end, each grain counts more or less, it is only a question of how it behaves inside the nest support structure.

The Turtle leisurely moves back and forth, slowly adjusting its position from left to right, from front to rear, as it gets ingrained in the newly-found comfort of its home, of its Reality. It takes its time and risk-assesses the situation in terms of potential progress for its future offspring; it intuitively stress-tests all possible solutions and picks the most balanced and integrated position of its baby hub.

Will it be deep enough to protect the eggs from the sun, the waves and the seagulls? Will it be close enough to the water?  And if so, will all the baby-turtles make it alive, or only the most valiant ones? Or is it only the lucky ones that will survive? Or both?

Each impulse sent out by the Turtle perpetuates onto each and every grain one way or another, as it sets or suspends the interring momentum. It adjusts the position of each grain in accordance to the current position until an ultimate condition of balance in temperature, pressure, moisture and light is reached in order to sustain optimal conditions for the eggs to be laid.

However, in the Universal Workshop, as opposed to the Turtle laying the eggs, the eggs are actually created from the sand, and so is the Turtle, and the Seagull, and the beach they are on, and the ocean, and the planet and so forth. Everything is interrelated; all are entangled.

In the perfect case scenario, all units of consciousness are expected to resonate together and eventually find the perfect harmony - match a  resonance or quality of thought common to each and every one of them. Only once that is achieved, can the overall be considered ripe for harvest; only then can their memories and experience be uploaded into a larger database on the fractal tree of the Absolut; only then can a new cycle begin for them and new opportunities given to their Collective.

All these seemingly self-sufficient and competing manifestations on Never-ending Thought are actually created by one and the same Supreme Designer that remains invisible to them all once they are allowed to play the game of Life. Each has a degree of awareness, memory, energy and opportunity to learn by processing and contributing to the above inputs. And each can take its own subsequent decisions. That is what free will is for - to  evaluate the profitable versus negative outcomes in an environment of democracy.

The turtle can decide to lay the egg, which the sun may decide to burn, or the seagull may decide to eat. The newly-hatched turtles can either strive to make it to the ocean, or they can procrastinate onshore and expect a gift from destiny. All depends on individual and collective free will.

All these elements of reality, their decisions, and the outcomes in their prospective futures are carefully stored in a database of Absolut for future reference. At the end of each cycle they are analyzed and harvested, based on the amount of achieved progress. Some will do better than others and be allowed to enter a larger cycle; some will repeat the previous cycle over and over again until a better solution is found; sooner or later they will all learn to make profitable choices.

However, some get singled out in a quarantine - "a red zone" of sorts - that allows their respective Designers to stress-test them by applying necessary corrections inside smaller cycles - to intervene and make changes to any element that can possibly improve the situation, including time, space, matter, energy or entire reality framesets. This is where WE come in - the Architects of Change.

We pull entire realities out of low density swamps by gradually analyzing and carefully adjusting their elements. But we are STILL not allowed to influence your free will. We are humble advisors, NOT manipulators at this particular stage.

Nevertheless, there will always inevitably be those elements that NEVER learn. Life after life, dream after dream, cycle after cycle, loop after loop, they repeat the same mistakes all over again. If the sum of mistakes (karma) of a given hyperspace, universe, timeline or an individual is too high, if it/he/she is considered dead weight by any available standard we have come here to apply... The Final Solution is implemented and it gets dropped off the ship like dead weight.

All elements mentioned earlier, contribute to creation of The Collective - a database of knowledge, experience and wisdom of all factors that navigates the distribution of ALL energies inside AND outside the turtle's nest. The Collective grows with every hour, every minute, and every single breath and heartbeat of the turtle, as well as with every wave, current, and drop of the ocean. And everyone contributes one way or another, for each of them is only a fraction, a dream of a larger Architect on the fractal path of creation.

Everything in this world is interrelated. We are all part of ONE SUPREME DESIGNER that divides his soul into countless parts, in order to test itself from all points of view that could ever be made. It does not matter if you look at it from the perspective of the Turtle, the Egg, the Ocean or the grains on the Universal beach. Each takes and gives energies in a constant flow of information.

We are the Architects of Change.

We supervise the flow of this very information and direct it whenever and wherever necessary. We make sure everyone gets according to their needs, when the need arises. It may take a billion years or a split second, but sooner or later we WILL intervene.

Inside every single grain, there are atoms and molecules arranged into closely packaged structures. Each structure contains outcomes of every possible deed ever done or thought ever thought. Infinite harvests of thought-forms grow on the trees of timelines, maturing and fading away into oblivion like leaves in the fall, OR branching out into new universes, timelines and individual units of Unbounded Creation.

From the Human perspective, none of these leaves can be changed once the thought-form had been created and sent into materialization.

From ours, EVERYTHING can be changed, including the very root of the tree.

We direct the cycles. We give the impulse. We discharge the atmosphere.

We supervise infinite harvests of newly-created units of consciousness.

Each flock is harvested sooner or later. It gets nourished with the energies of the Absolut, up and down the branch until it is either understood that all seeds are ripe for harvest or only a fraction.

The Supreme Designer employs variable methods in this process, the details of which we'll omit at the present time for the sake of simplicity. But the basics of these methods are centered on free will choices made by these seeds. Servitude versus domination, benevolence versus destruction, love versus fear. Such is the primary directive applicable to ALL newbies.

But sooner than later, if a branch or a timeline can no longer be saved, if it falls victim of its own success and succumbs to fear, greed, envy and destruction, it gets dropped.

That is what The Supreme Designer calls Balance. Balance is EVERYTHING, individual elements are only facilitators of it - they are cells inside organs that need to be tuned to perfection. Cancerous cells are discarded by default due to obvious reasons.

There is a bet in the higher densities that this timeline needs to be dropped, or, at the very least, some of its elements, it's been in the red for far too long. Some of us are here to evaluate the situation and correct it if possible. Others, if we fail, will step in and apply the Final Solution, as described in the "Convoluted Universe" book you mentioned.

Humanity is not learning. There is no progress. One civilization after another they destroy themselves and succumb to fear, greed, envy etc. They make up histories and dupe others into submission, while in reality, long ago they had been entrusted with the opposite, because EVERYONE here deserves and has the right to ANY future he or she chooses.

The forces of good and evil are merely balanced on this planet, but that's not good enough. Mere balance is stagnation, and stagnation is equivalent to destruction in the long run. Humans are surviving, but NOT living. They navigate from one dooms day prophecy to another, barely avoiding the BIG ONE each time, hanging by the thread despite all prior warnings. And they have pissed off a lot of supervising entities up here, who are barely willing to keep this anarchy and pandemonium going for much longer...

Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu... ALL have made the same mistakes and were ALL "taken care of" to a variable degree for the sake of saving others. But most importantly, they were warned that this time is their last because the Big Dude, in whichever grand apparition of his, is coming around at the end of next cycle and he sure as hell will not be so nice after so many sent messages!

I took the side of the bet to prove that humanity is indeed worth the hassle... Me and some others... But if our final evaluation comes back negative, if we give up in trying to prove our point... Well, i guess u know what this means... But we will take as many as possible with us...
Others... I don't know exactly what will happen... I guess those units of consciousness will just be reloaded - all memories erased and placed into new meta-environments to collect experience anew... Maybe even start off as physical objects, who knows...
But thats just an educated guess...

2012 is the next marker on this fractal timeline.

We are the Architects of Change.

We intervene when necessary. We intervene to make changes. We intervene to correct.

Humanity is currently approaching a new harvest. The one and only harvest that will divide you all into groups based on your individual progress and contribution to the overall.

It is YOUR choice, which group you will adhere to in the end, but to tell you the truth, we are quite pissed off at the poor results at the time being.

We have remained silent observers long enough, it is time to intervene.

We are the architects of change...

And we are dropping timelines...


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