Oct 02, 2010 01:57
Just watched Animal Magic's performance on Music Station and I didn't like the song but I just KNEW the performance was going to be perfect and IT'S EVERYTHING I THOUGHT OF AND MORE AND SERIOUSLY I'M IN LOVE AND HEARTS ARE FLOATING AROUND ME.
No screencaps because I can't on this computer but seriously, PWESDGIONOIN keysmashing is probably the only thing I can use the describe it. YASU'S HAIRSTYLE IS STILL PERFECT. Subaru's hair needs a little adjusting (a little too flat on the top?) but it looks good on him, will probably suit him even better after it grows out just a little. Ohkura's hair is LOLZ but that's okay since it's Ohkura.
And Yasu breakdancing on the floor. Didn't I just post about this yesterday? AND IT HAPPENED TODAY. Yasu solo-dancing in the middle while the others are singing. I AM PSYCHIC.
I have a ridiculous/creepy smile on my face right now. Thankfully no one's watching me xDDDD
johnny's entertainment,
yasu conquering the world,
subaru owns the world,
eito rocking the world