Restitution Entry 002

Jun 18, 2007 00:27

Casting is just about done. We had one on Sunday JUne 10th and Saturday June 16th.

The first was lackluster. People cancelled left and right and some just didn't show up at all. It seems that when people see an ad for actors, they don't read any of the actual ad. If they did, they would have seen that the casting was in SOUTH JERSEY and not in NEW YORK. of the 100 replies to our postings, 75% did not respond after we told them where we were AGAIN. 15% replied that they didn't read the ad right, which showed some intellegence on their end. 5% actually said they would come nad less than that actually came. It was depressing but we learned alot and I don't know how, but we got just about everyone casted.

The second casting sessionw as to cast the most important roles; the leads. We just didn't find anyone impressive enough at the first session. I guess it's hard to find someone good to work for nothing but with the age range I'm going for (30s-40s) they should at least have experience. So we had it on saturday and Mike DiGiorgio and the Dans (Dan Wright and Dan McArdle) took over while I went to Atlantic City to film a band at the Seafood Festival at Robbins Stadium. Gotta make the money to keep the dream alive... When I got back, everything was great. They had a lot of people come through and aside form the cabin fevor they seemed to acquire (they decided I was steve urkel from Family Matters) they were fine. We'll definately have our leads after this.

Casting is not easy and I never thought it would be but i wasn't sure how to go about the process. I knew how to hold a session but I personally wanted others in the room to look at these people. Their combined opinions would be a better judge than mine alone. It's my job to organize and direct these actors. There should be others to help choose these people. I believe it creates an unbiased dynamic in which few people involved can disagree about the actors later. Yes I will have final say, but the more the merry.

I have new equipment. It's called the Brevis 35 and it's made byt Cinevate. I spent 1100 dollars on it. Then I brought a 500 dollar lens for it. I still need to buy more stuff. ... ... ... I need a sign that says will film for cash.

Locations, props an costumes are next, as well as shoot dates. We will see what happens with that. I'm really glad I created a story with an older cast. Their will be a nice level of professionalism brought to the table. I just hope they don't try to push us around because we're a bunch of young'ns. That will not be cool. There's a bunch of harmony within the group so far and I don't want the boat to rock, let alone crash into the sea.

This moive will be made and made right.


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