Ok, several weeks. Sorry, it's been busy.
In no particular order - I got a call from my former program asking if I would be the Program Administrator on a temporary basis for awhile. Since it pays better than unemployment, there's a chance it will become permanent and I wasn't doing anything better, I said yes. So all of a sudden I'm working 40 hours a week again and things like updating my journal have gotten waylaid.
I also managed to take a nasty spill on a broken sidewalk, jammed a nice chunk of sidewalk into my shin right at my knee. At first I'd thought I'd just skinned it, so I hobbled back into the office bathroom thinking to clean myself up, bemoan my shredded pants knee and get on with my life. Not the case. I saw the nasty triangular wound and hobbled back to a co-worker to stategize some immediate care. Ironically enough, even though I work within hobbling distance of three hospitals I didn't end up going to any of them. The ER would have laughed at something this minor, and i wasn't sure if any of the clinics did walk ins. So she drove me to an immediate care center, they put 6 stitches in me and sent me on my way. Stitches were supposed to stay in 10 days, but I went in for a re-check and it got upped to 12. Yeehaw. They are out now, and I'm babying that leg so that I don't rip it back open. This is by far the ugliest injury I've ever done to myself. I'm betting that it's going to leave this huge Frankenstein scar. We shall see.
i have still been doing the CSA drop. Oddly enough out of all the volunteers who showed up at the start of the season I'm the only one who is still here after the 13 weeks mark. I'm hoping they find someone else, but as it stands, it's just me and the guy who drives the truck - who I have to say has been a total sweetheart about the fact that I can't get in and out of the truck. I'll check off the list and hand over boxes and such, but any heavy lifting or scrambling is way beyond me for another week or so.
So, this week was a protein week. So another dozen eggs and another half pound of cheese. 4 oz of aged cheddar and a whomping chunk of asiago. I also scored some goat cheese from the Thursday market that's right next to work. A gorgeous round of slightly aged goat cheese, which is wrapped in chestnut leaves that have been soaked in bourbon. Since husbeast is convinced he dislikes goat cheese this is mine all mine. I suspect it will turn into a Saturday lunch with some fresh fruit and crackers. He can have cheddar, which isn't such a hardship.
So, in the box this week - cherry tomatoes, sweet peppers (like mini bells, very cute), potatoes, okra, tomatoes, and basil. For fruit we have both green and Asian pears. I'm excited. I love Asian pears but hardly ever buy them since the supermarket ones are expensive and tasteless. I have quite a bit leftover from previous weeks too. Since standing makes my legs swell I haven't been cooking very much lately.
The okra is the experiment for me. So far I have detested it in every form I've tried. But one of the gentlemen who picks up from my drop point is an accomplished Indian cook. He convinced me that the Indian version - stir fried with spices and served over rice with a yogurt side, is fantastic, crisp and crunchy and not slimy at all. So I will try it and see what happens. I make no promise to like it.
Last night was a simple meal - tomato soup and quesadillas. I used the aged cheddar, some fresh tomatoes and the corn relish. I am so addicted to that corn relish, it's amazing. Slightly sweet, slightly hot, tangy and crunchy. It's simply fantastic. Although in the next batch I'm going to up the hot peppers. It's not nearly hot enough for me.
I've got the Thursday market today, there's been one farmer with boxes and boxes of Italian prune plums. I found a recipe for a vaguely Asian plum chutney - uses 5 spice powder and garlic and such. I think I'm going to have to try it if he'll cut me a deal on 6 pounds worth of fruit. ;)
Menu thoughts -
Indian okra with rice and raita
summer squash fritatta with the asiago
simple pasta - fresh tomatoes and basil, olive oil
spicy hash browns, scrambled eggs and veggie bacon
Oh, and for one of the weekend breakfasts I'm going to have to make french toast with a fantastic cinnamon loaf that comes from the Thursday market. And then top it with either the apricot or blueberry syrup I put up. Nom!
So, other than needing a paycheck to actually clear, I'm doing really well.