Hmm, I think it was 30 minutes too long. It was definitely a lot of fun and Barbosa had most of the great lines/scenes through the film, but there were parts that just dragged on too long. They had so many plot lines running I felt like I should have studied before showing up.
I also didn't like the end. Hooray for sadness?!?!
The special effects were spectacular, except Davey Jones always looked like I could see through him when he was standing near people not in CGI.
When Calypso showed her true form I had a flashback to "Attack of the 50' Woman."
I now have a crush on Kira Knightley. I've heard people [mostly womerns] say she looks like a man. Well, if I can find a man that
looks like this, then call me gay!!!
I give the movie 3 out 5 five burps.
I get to see FF2ROTSS Tuesday with a coworker, then Transformers Thursday thanks to
misfitwes and his connections.