- The Demogorgon -

May 30, 2017 15:50

So a lovely friend of mine has gotten me a gift certificate to one of those sensory deprivation tank places. I mentioned I was curious about it and she had done it. We made jokes about it because it reminded me of Stranger Things and the tank Eleven goes in where she meets the Demogorgon. I was likening the demogorgon to my anxiety. I was initially scared about being a closed tank in the dark but I found a very interesting article on Time.com


Anyway it helped this veteran with anxiety and PTSD. It was a fascinating read. I'll be trying it this Sunday, and will be reporting back after.

Since I stopped therapy, due to the expense and also a dose of seeing if I could use my therapy tools on my own, I have gotten into a habit of doing too much research. About anxiety and depression and vitamins etc. I'm sure part of it is a need to overcompensate now that I'm not seeing a professional . So I feel like I have to do all my own home work. I've decided to do a week without research. I think I some point becoming knowledgeable about something starts to become counter productive. Sort of making me worry more. But I have learned a lot of valuable information, and now I need to let it go a little. One thing that seems to help me is understanding the nature of what I'm going through. It helps with perspective. Again at a point you have to put down your books and put into practice what you learned. Like now I know exactly how my body feels when the stress response starts. I can't always calm it down fast enough. The problem area of the brain is the amygdala. It controls our fight or flight response, sending adrenaline and stress hormones into our blood, causing so many physical and mental symptoms. The things that bothers me the most is that I suddenly get very emotionally sensitive. And because your body is on high alert your mind sort of races and thinks of all the worst case scenarios. Then thinking a scary thought makes you even more upset and thus the cycle goes on an on. This as you can imagine can lead to feeling very depressed. Oh the wonders of the human body. Because no one understand exactly why some people are prone to this is frustrating.

I know it had something to do with my bad reaction to Zoloft. I don't know if that caused some ptsd or some sort of chemical imbalance. I'm sure the stress of Bebe passing away added to the melting pot. In any case I have to tell myself I can't go back and not take it. So I have to learn to let my anger about it go.

I'm open to other options medicine (even though I'm scared to try) and going back to therapy. But I feel like I needed sometime to see if I could work with what I have learned to help. It's a rough road.

On a silly side note. I can not wait for season 2 of Stranger Things this Halloween. This speech totally made me cry happy tears.

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I guess I'm off to slay monsters.
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