Howdy all,
Well its been awhile since I wrote in here. I haven’t been on holidays just really busy.
Over the last 2weeks I have cleaned out of cubby house. Redone the kitchen for mum, went to the tennis, also went to the Zoo and held my head up high for the 6months ano for dad.
I know its been 6months already. I couldn’t believe it and nether can most people we tell. Time has just past so fast. I don’t want the year to come but I know it will sometime soon..
Now I have to start the shed off and clean that all up, once that is done I will have to start getting shit together and re-paint it, hammer new boards up, get someone in to put some lights up in there. There is so much to do with no money at all.
But when its done it will be home and heaven in one.
Random Pics from Christmas, New Years, Tennis and The Zoo
Christmas day
Even my dog got something from Santa.
I hate Photos when you don’t know they are happening.
My Gambling nephew. See the scratchy in his hand. Only 2 and already trying to win money.
My Family. My mother, sister, cousin, grandmother, uncle and aunty.
New Years Eve night dinner with family.
Medibank International
Sydney from the Zoo. Love this view.
Don’t you love this position. I wish I could sleep like this. HAHA
Somebody’s family. Not saying who’s but they know.
some random Tiger, the only want that was sitting still.
Random Pic of AJ at the Zoo. He loved it so much. When we went to a place he would name the animal as well as the bird or fly near it.
Spot the Gorilla??