(no subject)

Nov 03, 2004 18:39

i love all the away messages, profiles, and xangas which question whats wrong with america or saying theyre disappointed in america. heres a clue: america is wondering whats wrong with you.

we got the pres. we got a ten seat lead in the senate. we got a 30 seat lead in the house. we got a majority of governors. aaaaand all 11 states who considered it approved a constitutional ban on gay marriages. hmmm maybe the far left is out of touch?

im sorry but all these ppl are ridiculous. theyre all calling us uneducated and uninformed as if they have some secret source of info that repubs dont have access to. well do please share so we can all achieve your higher level of intelligence. be sure to get it out to the majority of america, since you think over half of your fellow americans are stupid, but you must be right.

ive also been blocked on IM by some real mature ppl like chelsea and marques. chelsea even blocked me on two names. "open-mindedness" at its best right there.

and good ol marques also told me that any black person who votes for bush should be sent back to the slave fields. great statement to make there "Nig4LifeBBC". he also told me i was fu**ing ridiculous bc i said bush had doubled his african american support since 2000. he claimed this couldnt be true cause bush has "never" met with the NAACP. however www.africana.com seems to think otherwise: http://talkback.africana.com/webx?14@@.3b9b8b33
ill let you be the one to tell them theyre going back to chains marques.
and lets not forget that leaders of the supposedly partisan NAACP have said that a Republican's idea of equal rights is "the American flag and the Confederate swastika flying side by side, " and that Bush intended to take America "back to the days of Jim Crow segregation and dominance." OF COURSE HE'S NOT GOING TO MEET WITH THESE NUTS. THEY HATE HIM AND DISRESPECT HIM AT EVERY TURN.
marques also said bc he never met with the NAACP then he must hate all minorites. can we say slippery slope? i guess we should totally disregard that he has the most diverse cabinet of any president ever and that the latino vote greatly helped him win florida. nah disregard these lil nuggets-- "Nig4LifeBBC" knows all.
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