aloha, its thursday, im done finals. woot. just stickin around till
saturday to see my bro graduate. watchin some oreilly right now. last
night i went to the ACF Christmas party with Jenny. it was a pretty
good time-- there was good food and all the people are really nice.
after that we stopped by my brothers place since we were near there. we
watched some south park then we went to our respective homes and i
watched oceans 11 with mike neighbor and ben. twas a gay ol time.
interjection-- there is an injured marine on oreilly now, talking
about how he is proud to have served and how he actually feels
fortunate for having an accident bc it has opened him to a new world
and brought him closer to a group of guys that he would not have known
as well otherwise, and how hes living life to the fullest now. thats
what we need. guys who are proud to serve and dont turn on the
objective and our leadership bc they got hurt. perhaps i shall be one
of them after college.
so i must say that
chevy chase
is a worthless POS. first of all he hasnt been funny for years now, and
secondly hes another one of those far-left hollywood nut jobs. He was
hosting an awards ceremony for People for the American Way when he
decided to lambast President Bush. let me say, I understand that ppl
hate Bush and i can understand (not agree with, but understand) their
reasoning, but that is not an excuse to mock the President in the
manner that Chase did. Here is what he said:
Chase called the prez a "dumb [expletive]." He also used it as an adjective, assuring the audience,
"I'm no [expletive] clown either. . . . This guy started a jihad." Chase also said: "This guy in
office is an uneducated, real lying schmuck . . . and we still couldn't beat him with a bore like
Now i dont care what your feelings on Bush are, Chase was way out of
line and should be punched in the face for his ridiculous,
propagandizing remarks that show no respect for the office of the
presidency or his country. Now i dont like
Clinton at all and I think
hes a pretty crappy human being, but he is a former President of our
country and that demands respect. I would never, and hope any o yall,
would never say anything like this about any president, esp in public.
its just rude and asinine and no, its not "the most patriotic thing you
can do" like some like to claim. i dont even know what else to say.
people like Chevy are only serving to further divide the country....
frickin stigmas to our society.
mmmk next topic. the topic of the race relations class, sociology 119,
here at school came up the other day, and it was suggested that i take
the class. well, besides the fact that the professor is a fool (he said
of the massive Republican victory on Nov 2:
rode this wave of homophobia and anti-gay marriage initiatives,"
sociology lecturer Sam Richards said of Bush's administration. "They
rode that wave right to the victory line."-- boy he sure knows his
sociology), i have no problem with any race or minority, and it just
isnt a big interest of mine, i thought about it and i really think that
stuff like this, including affirmative action and hate crime
legislation, is counter-productive to what its trying to do. now dont
get me wrong, racism (and all bigotry) is a ridiculous and horrible
thing and i in no way support it. also, the issues that i find fault in
are very noble in their intentions, but i think for the most part they
dont serve those intentions well. society will never be color-blind
(judging people based on character) as long as race and color are
constantly pushed to the forefront. the problem with racists is that
they see other races as different from themselves, and that is what
needs to be changed. to do this you have to think like a racist would.
a racist is not going to think "hmmm they have affirmative action, they
have their hate crime legislation, theyve even got classes about them
in college, well there must be something special about them im not
seeing". no, the racist mind will think "oh now they want their own
laws and free handouts and they expect us to learn about em now too!
screw them!", and it just causes even more hatred. remember, were
talking about racists here, theyre not logical people, dont expect
logic to work on them.
i saw the KKK on jerry springer one time and the
head guy said something like "if youre born in America then you are
American", and a black guy stood up and said "well hey, i was born here
so Im American!", thinking he had outsmarted the KKK guy, but he
completely missed his point. The KKK guy's point was that if youre born
here youre American, youre not African hypen American or Latin hypen
American. racist ppl dont see this as ppl being proud of their
heritage, but rather as giving themselves hyphenated ethnicities to
take advantage of certain things. The Rev Jesse Lee Peterson (a black
guy) understood this and said "First off, I would like to say that I am
not African-American, I am 100% American". We need to all be identified
as Americans, and as people if we want racism to extinguish. i
discussed the James Byrd case with a friend the other night. if you
dont know, Byrd is the black guy from Texas who was dragged by a car to
his death by 3 white men. His family insisted on harsher hate crime
legislation which Bush and conservatives were wary to grant. now, i
have no problem with hate crime legislation really, but for one, Texas
already had hate crime legislation, and secondly, two of the men
received the death penalty and one got life in prison. what else do you
want to happen? they got the worst possible, how would hate crime
legislation do anything else? furthermore, what murder ISNT hate? to
say that its a hate crime only if its a minority is foolish. shouldnt
crimes be determined by the action, and not the motive? white guys are
killed too for a variety of reasons, as are minorities. if were going
to distinguish crimes by the motives where does it end? should murder
for money be different than murder out of anger, or should they just
both be murder? race relations programs largely take their cue from MLK
Jr., but wouldnt MLK want Byrd to be considered a dead man, rather than
a dead black guy--- i think so. hate crime legislation is purely
affirmative action causes a problem too. racist ppl see it as
minorities getting handouts, and not as bettering themselves. if i was
a minority i would be offended by affirmative action. the notion that
you need someone elses help to achieve, because of what group you
belong to, is blatantly racist. hard work and dedication is what
furthers a person and a group as a whole, and not goverment programs
that help them get into college. as long as there are these programs to
fall back onto, the need for them will never go away. furthermore, if a
person needs their race to get them into college or soemthing like
that, is that person really qualified? it makes no sense to drop
someone into a college theyre not prepared for, bc they will just fall
behind-- that goes for anyone. rich white kids should not go to ivy
league schools just bc theyre rich white kids. the money and focus
should be on evening out all schools from the beginning. all children
should have an equal base for their education, and from there we could
judge on effort and ability. obviously not everyone has this equal
base, but affirmative action is not the answer. taking a child with an
inadequate base and putting him/her among those who have an adequate
base is not productive. the child who works hard will make it. there is
also the argument that affirmative action is for fostering diversity,
but its not truely diverse if its forced through govt programs. also,
as i said, it fosters even more hatred among those who already hate.
all groups have gone through persecution at some point in history.
Christians have been persecuted all throughout history and still are
today, but the WASP of America worked hard to get what they have.
America wasnt founded on govt handouts... the colonists got up and
fought for what they wanted, and thats what ppl always need to do (not that im saying all colonists were Christians).
obvioulsy white ppl in America disgustingly used and abused minorities
through slavery, which was definitely wrong, but the point is that they
had to work themselves up to such a position, that allowed them to take
advantage of others, in the first place. i firmly believe that hard
work and dedication is how one betters oneself. just check out
Condoleeza Rice who has "often said that to get ahead she had to be
"twice as good" and her childhood chiselled her strong determination
and self-respect". shes ridiculously successful.
i learned an
interesting tidbit in anthropology this semester. there is really no
biological basis for race at all. race is just a man-made thing (which,
interestingly, follows perfectly with the
Biblical account for the
different "races"). you could take two black guys and they could have
wildly different characteristics, while one could be quite similar to a
Pollack or anything else. its crazy stuff. now THIS is what needs to be emphasized.
racists need to be shown how they are genetically the same as other
races. constantly focusing on the differences of races only furthers
the idea that they are different. one of my anth textbooks also had an
essay about how celebrating cultural differences in schools is
pointless, bc it usually consists of an assembly or something wherein
students watch an African dance, and really learn nothing, and
2. only serves to further the notion that minorities are so different
from us
what needs to be emphasized is how we are all people and we are all
remarkably similar. making all people seen as people is what will end
racism. obviously this is quite the daunting task, but it is a worthy
task, and focusing on differences is not the key.
whoooooooee. now, all
that said, i dont really know enough about the sociology 119 class.
maybe it does discuss the similarites which would be a good thing, but
either way, i personally cant fit it in my schedule, its not that big
an interest of mine, and im not down with the prof. ya'll decide for
yourself. but please dont give me the oh youre such a conservative
Christian racist, bc i think i have pretty ably shown that i hate
have a good break and happy holidays ya'll.