Sep 26, 2004 14:06
Well Hello,
It seems my adoring public has strayed from me in my absence.In that case,fuck off.It has been a blah few weeks.I started school on the 13th.I am doing well thus far and I am happy with all my classes.Work seems to be going ok so that is good.I am taking my Dad to see Les Paul on the night before Election Day as a birthday present.I m also gonna get tickets to Deftones & the Jagermeister show @ Starland in Jersey.I just found out that Scars of Tomorrow are playing the Dowtown in Famingdale,but I dunno if I am going to go.It sucks that I probably won't go because everyone knows that I LOVE those dudes like Liz loves Atreyu & Fee loves In Flames,just not in the 'I wanna fuck those guys' kinda way.I only woke up at like 12:20 so tonight I will have to be wicked tired to get to sleep at a relatively normal time.Than again my Dad came home the other night my Dad saw I was up until like 12:30 working on homework.That night I didn't get to bed until like a quarter to 3 and I still got to school on time.That just shows that I am the man.Anyway,I am going to go shower because I feel like I haven't bathed in 2 weeks.Then I am off to Felicia's to watch Phyllis demonstrate the Pampered Feet thing.It's actually Pampered Chef but I think of pampered and I think of some one with a foot fetish because of this episode of King of the Hill once.That should be good for a laugh or twelve.I like how no one wants to call my mother.Felicia told me that her mom and Phyllis have been up her ass trying to find out if my Mom is coming to the party.If they asked me I was going to pull out my cell phone and say "This is a nifty apparatus called a phone.It's used to communicate with other people who aren't in the same place as you.You can push a certain series of buttons and my mom will tell you herself."
I want the world.And with enough planning,I'll take it all for myself,or run it strait into the fucking ground.
Now I need to shower.Later folks.
Until it Happens Again,