Your name: Rachel
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thepuppyeyesContact: AIM: microwavedurmom,
Plurk Other characters played at Passing: n/a
Character name: Quorra
Character fandom: Tron: Legacy
Version: V1
Canon point: Just at the very end of the movie
Importing development from old game? nope
Tron wiki Changes from canon, if AU: n/a
Quorra is a very sweet and childlike character. Although by User standards she's around 25, she never learned things that seem like common knowledge to people who live outside of the Grid. She has therefore maintained her purity and innocence that separate her from ordinary people and Programs alike. Quorra is extremely curious and always looking to learn and grow. She has the capability to develop and understand, and has a strong desire to know and see and do everything, which is part of what brought her to the User world with Sam.
She's got a reckless and violent side to her, definitely. The stresses of her life and being the last of her kind occasionally manifest in bursts of excessive training and disappearing to be by herself. She doesn't like others to know what she's really going through.
Quorra lost everything at a relatively young age. According to Flynn's log preceding Tron: Evolution, the ISOs had been around for only 5 years before the Purge. At this point they became the victims of a tragic genocide initiated by Clu, who saw them as a threat to the security and perfection of the Grid. This has left her vulnerable and needy. She really clings to the friends she has. She's also extremely loyal, mostly due to her deep set belief in right and wrong. Quorra has had the luxury of being able to see the world in black and white. Flynn is good, Clu is bad. There's really no gray areas in her eyes. Upon entering the User world, however, that changes drastically.
While Quorra is genuinely amazed and in awe of her surroundings outside of the Grid, there's a lot of conflict going on inside her. Upon entering this new world, she has just lost her best friend, mentor, and the closest thing she had to a parent. She is seriously grieving for Flynn. He taught her almost everything she knows and always put up with her impatient and rather reckless behavior. Not only that, but she's trying to work out her feelings towards Sam and is secretly terrified that now he's back where he belongs that he'll simply abandon her. Add that in with the fact that she's trying to adapt an entirely different world, and you have one seriously stressed and confused ISO. She does her best to hide this from others; almost for as long as she can remember, Quorra's grown up owing her existence to someone. Flynn rescued her, and now Sam's brought her out of the Grid into a place she'd only imagined. She doesn't want to disappoint him or be more of a burden than she already sees herself as.
Quorra is very good at staying positive, despite all this. Her moments of depression are just that, only moments. She has incredible faith that everything will be alright, that good will triumph over evil, and that things will turn out the way they ought to.
First and foremost, Quorra has crazy skills with piloting or driving just about anything. Her first time in a light jet, she took out a handful of Black Guards, with Sam's help of course. In the movie, she's also very fond of pushing her light runner to the limits. This freaks Sam out, which only amuses her more, because other people's pain is entertaining apparently. It can be implied that she's an expert with a lightcycle as well.
Secondly, she's extremely talented in combat. One thousand cycles with nothing to do meant a lot of training with her disc. She and Rinzler are probably on the same level, talent-wise, which basically means don't get on her bad side because she can derezz you in 2 seconds flat.
Writing sample:
A single figure perched high above the Games arena, looking down on it with interest. Her feminine figure was shadowed against the light from the arena as she watched, restless energy stirring in her.
Quorra used to play in the Games often, back when losing wasn't fatal and Programs played for fun. It had been a different world then, one where their User, Flynn, was respected and loved. Things couldn't have changed more since then. Case in point? Their Systems Administrator and self-appointed dictator, Clu, was challenging a User to a lightcycle duel. He hadn't even been in the Grid a full millicycle and he was already doomed. It was cruel and revolting. The User didn't stand a chance against Clu. He was talented, certainly. She'd watched him with an approving eye as he'd competed through the disc wars. Clearly he'd had some kind of training. But lightcycles were different. This User had managed to survive his last fight on a sheer technicality, however. Rinzler had recognized him for what he was and that was the only reason he was still alive.
But Clu? Clearly he didn't want him to survive. He was the best at the lightcycle duels at he wasn't going to show anyone mercy, particularly not a User. Even if the newcomer was a quick learner, he didn't stand a chance against the Systems Administrator.
Unless Quorra did something. She had to step in. There was no way she could watch this without interfering. There was also that tiny little detail that made the stranger different, even from other Users. He was a Flynn, the Creator's son. Quorra would hardly be able to look her mentor in the eye after simply allowing his son to be killed in front of her. Well...any User, really. Users were special. Users symbolized everything that the Grid used to be, everything that it could be again, and she was not going to let that go so easily.
She slipped off her perch and melted again into the shadows. She had a Flynn to rescue.
Voice sample:
Example #1, it's a little long...and yes that is my Quorra, just an older account that's mostly inactive now. If you need verification of that, you can ask sam-mun or angie.
Example #2