Aug 25, 2016 14:01
Frames per Second (FPS) is a measure of how motion video is displayed. The term applies equally to film video and digital video. Each frame is a still image.
When dealing with FPS, it is important to also understand other terms that are used throughout the Encoder:
· NTSC: National Television Standards Committee. The NTSC is responsible for setting television and video standards in the United States. The NTSC standard for television defines a composite video signal with a refresh rate of 29.97 FPS. The NTSC standard also requires that these frames be interlaced.
· PAL: Phase Alternating Line. The dominant television standard in Europe. The PAL standard delivers 25 FPS.
· Interlaced: Each NTSC or PAL video frame consists of two "fields." When displaying video, an NTSC television draws one field every 1/60th of a second, and PAL televisions display one field every 1/50th of a second. Interlacing involves merging the alternating fields of an image into a single frame. The process of separating the single field back into the original two fields is called DeInterlacing.
For a NSCaster project, 1080p25FPS is often selected and enough to use, NScaster can provide up to 1080p60FPS.
Frames per Second (FPS) is a measure of how motion video is displayed. The term applies equally to film video and digital video. Each frame is a still image.
When dealing with FPS, it is important to also understand other terms that are used throughout the Encoder: