Dec 09, 2005 18:25
i threw up at lunch today and got sent home earily, met up with mom in the hodd shop, its pretty much in the card within the next 5 years my mom is set on imigrating to austraila, which means i could go with her or after the course when i see what im doing start making plans for my japan dream with kev <3 we shall see.
calling andrew at 7 today a birdy told me that chev has been telling everyone in her class that im the reason andrew stopped being friends with her...
and that i apprently stole andrew away from her...WELL FUCKING SORRY I WASNT AWARE YOU COULD STEAL A PERSON AWAY FROM SOMEONE ELSE MM HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT FUCKING WORK EXACTLY!!!! yea it pissed me off a tad.
funnily enough andrew did everything on his own accord with confining in me as well and i agreeed with him. shes made me out to be a bad person and andrew to been led on and a confused little boy, but he is grown up enough to make his own judgment of people so she has succseded in lying to every friend she has in college now.
i have told andrew this and he wants to confront her in college infront of all of her friends she has been lying to and to expose her :)
and one of her friends has said and i quote "oh has kitty been telling lies again"...which made me wanna hurt her psyically alot because when it comes ot friendships i am known for my brutal honestry no matter what it is. and chev made such a big deal how im one of the most honest people she knows. so after hearing that, yea i saw red and a chainsaw going through her skull in her so called future, she belongs in a mental bin. she isnt aware of reality.
im posting this post public because i realli fucking hope she reads this so she knows i do know, and its not fucking nice to lie!! and chev if u do read this i know for a fact! 3 people in your class are on to your bullshit storys!