stealth hooch

Aug 28, 2004 11:12

I swear Ted's hooch is evil, I didn't feel really drunk when I stopped drinking, but an hour later after running over to UK to pee and talking with Kayla on the front stoop I felt really trashed, I even forced myself to vomit before having Beth give me a ride home. By the time I got home my head was spinning and trying to fall asleep felt like a rollarcoaster.

So now I am awake and hung over. Everytime I get really drunk I just end up befuddled that people can do it so often. Everytime I get drunk it merely confirms I am a pothead. But look at the advantages: 0 calories (providing you resist the munchies), doesn't give you a hang over, makes you feel happy and jovial and doesn't tend to make people violent. And it makes you feel better if you're hungover.

I also found the best incense this week at Sqecial. While it is certainly not a bargain it is nonetheless amazing. It is lilac and lily scented and gives the room an amazing smell. I also got a sample pack of other scents (including a lovely smelling opium), more patchouli and a couple other random little boxes.

So fall break = Vermont. I cannot wait. If winter weren't so nasty I would live somewhere up in New England, because the few times I've been there I have absolutely fallen in love with it. While I can't afford to go to Smith, I can afford at least a weekend in Vermont.

I'm also going up to Ohio some weekend before the election to help my Dad campaign for Kerry. Our mutual hatred of that man has actually brought us a lot closer together. In fact it may be the only good thing that Dubya has done for me. That's a pretty shitty 4 year track record of actually imroving the lives of Americans, I know a lot of people that can't even name one thing he's done for them. But I don't know that many ridiculously wealthy people. And that's the kind of person that benefits from Bush. It really comes down to what you care about more; people or money. How much money would it take you to be okay with letting the health of the poor suffer, to start a war without reason while knowing innocent people will die, destroying the majesty of nature, whose sight alone sometimes confirms the existence of a God of some sort, at least the divine.

Wow. Sorry I didn't mean to go off on such a tangent. I'll try to refrain from becoming too political, because I know I'll be ill with politics and fearful anticipation by election day.

It's exciting how fast the days are moving now. I actually like having more stuff to do, to have my days be full, though not necessarily busy. Phone-a-thon returning callers meeting on Monday. I can't wait. Yes I am a mega dork!
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