4 days left

Aug 21, 2004 09:35

Today really marks the beginning of school season. I'm sitting at a table at Campus Ruckus tonight to promote PSP and yesterday the campus and downtown became visably swollen with students. I had to practice serious self control as stupid sorority girls were dancing in the middle of Rose St yesterday, both in the median and on the sidewalk and some Chi O with a death wish bounded in front of my car and started gyrating lewdly. But I resisted the urge to run them down. Sides not all sorority girls are bad, in fact some of them are very nice, but they were obnoxious as hell this week.

Last night was my last chance to see Lucy and Chelsea before they return to their respective schools. It is sad, no more CSHigh nights, no more country drives, I'll see a lot less movies. It is weird that many of my close friends have suddenly made an exodus from Lexington, like Joanna and Lucy. While there are still plenty of people to hang out with Joanna, Lucy, and Kate are my best friends, I simply don't have to put on any pretenses at all with them and they understand what I mean even when I don't make sense. Luckily Kate is still in town and we're making plans to meet for lunch every Thursday and she's also rushing PSP so hopefully I'll see a lot more of her.

Kate, her parents, my parents, and I went out to Ramsey's last night and it was like old times. It was a truly lovely evening and I can't wait to go there for my 21st birthday.

I have so much to do the next few days

print out and copy all PSP material
go to co-op for 10% off owner's appreciation day
go to Walgreens
hang out with Anne B
campus ruckus from 7:30 - 11

clean house and room
make pile of clothes to take to goodwill
student center spectacular 7:30 - 10

get car fixed
take clothes to goodwill
give blood with Kate
wash bedclothes and any other laundry

free day to mentally prepare myself for class, get everything ready, practice getting up ass early

And expect there to be parties going on too. I got drunk dialed by Thomas Johnston last night who seems to get as drunk on nostalgia as he does on Guinness. It was pretty hilarious, but I was pretty high so it all worked out just duckily.

The feel of Lexington has changed in the last 2 weeks as more and more students flock back to campus. The town has become electrified, or as electrified as Lexington ever gets. It's exciting for the moment, but I know it will become tiresome by the middle of the semester. Part of me is really excited for classes to start, but part of me is still desperately clinging to summer.

I'm afraid of winter.
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