Oct 09, 2004 23:15
since i'd rather not have to explain how i am 15 million times, here's a quick summary. you were more than likely directed here after you asked me "how are things going for you with school and all and being in AZ" or something to that effect...
so school's going really well so far and i like most of my classes. i have this awesome teacher that lets us watch movies (we watched Conan the Barbarian the other day) while we're doing our work, my 3D modelling class is using 3ds max right now and is lots of fun, and my perspective class is actually waaay more informative than the one I took online and hated. work is still pretty boring but i may be getting more hours, so that's always a plus. i desperately need more hours, even if it's just 5 or 10 extra. allison at the metro phoenix store is trying to even get me some hours at that store. i'm still looking for another place to live which hasn't been going as well as i thought. all the places that i've found so far (including the one that i'm probably moving to, if i can get to the leasing office) are in janky parts of town. the counselor at school showed me a report that said that the zip i'm moving to has the highest rate of stolen cars in the country. yes, the country. on top of that, since i'm not getting the hours at work, i'll pretty much be barely able to afford this janky place (even though the apartment looks decent). haven't quite figured out what i'm gonna do about food and all once i move, but school has pretty cheap food and i think that's where i'll be most of the time, so it shouldn't be too bad. i think i might stay at school longer too. i pretty much have to, since i'll have to sign a 6-month or 12-month lease. 12 is cheaper, but obviously much longer. that kinds screws up any and all plans that i had, but i guess i don't have too many choices. phoenix is pretty kewl, so it shouldn't be too bad. i've already met a few cool people at work and school. hopefully i'll develop some friendships. ryan came out here to see his family and we met up and got to catch up on stuff over some beer. he says phoenix is nice too, so i guess if he agrees it won't be so bad staying longer. i hope to be talking to everyone more soon, i'm just very overwhelmed right now. i haven't really talked to any of my friends from michigan. tomek has been helping me out TONS... even just being there for me to talk at is kewl but he's done waaay more than expected of him. to everyone else that has helped in some little way in keeping me sane, i thank you also. i'll be trying to call everyone soon. nextel is kinda gay with charging me a million dollars per call. if i can't get too many hours at work, i may get a job at t-mobile instead/in addition. that way, i can get a cheap cell phone too. we'll see though. for those that give two shits about me, i'll keep you posted.
btw, if you think i'm mad at you for something, chances are i'm not. someone asked if i was mad at them cuz i hadn't called or talked to them in a while. that's not it, i'm just busy. if i was mad at you, you'd know... right now i'm pretty much only mad at a few people and i'm pretty sure they know who they are. :) if not, feel free to ask... heh.
ok, peace in the middle east. i'll post something later on in the week to update again.