Jun 22, 2004 11:36
Another pointless Live Journal update to pass the time in, what would appear to be - the most boring summer ever. I've hung out with Ryan a few times. But that's basically it.
I would talk about the whole Jackie situation.. but most of you already know.
My Paypal debit card arrived, which means I can buy my computer now. It's going to cost me around $1,500. Dan will be burning me a copy of Windows XP Professional, which will save me $150.
I might be attending a few concerts this summer. Jeremy and I want to go see Nightwish in Mass. Though we may not be able to find a ride. And I'm going to see Yes and Dream Theater together down in CT with my dad. It's a long ride, but it will be worth it to see the greatest prog band of the 70's, and the best prog band of today.
Also, I may be helping Joe with the movie he's making this summer. I'm not sure if I'll have time though.