The name of the hurry up and wait. Which is a polite way of saying nothing has changed as far as warnings and alerts go. We are still under warning, everything above APS (1/4 mile away) is still under mandatory evac. I understand the whole no news is good news concept and how it applies in this situation but The county hasn't updated the notification site in a while, and it is mildly nerve wracking.
That being said.
We are all still ok. stuff is still staged, though I am considering bringing the computers back in.(missing wow at hi-res) Air is significantly less smokey.
To those near and affected by the Sylmar fire, you have my sympathies and well wishes. Be safe, be careful.
mysryael mentioned another fire to me as being on the Vent/SB county border. I haven't anything new on that one since she mentioned it. Its another resource drain that we (us here in SB and those in LA) really don't need but the universe (and asshole humans) are perverse that way.
So, we wait. Brief forrays out into the non-warned world to get food and such. If this keeps up through tomorrow I have to give serious consideration as to whether I should stay home or go to work on the off chance the warning changes to an order.
Thank you all for your words and thoughts of support and your prayers and energies.
More as I have it.
On the unrelated plus side...While twiddling thumbs waiting..the DVD project from hell can now be officially called DONE!!!! Will deliver them next weekend...Unless the house really does burn down in which case i am taking it as a sign from the gods that that project really was cursed. ;-) (you take humor where you can find it.)