drink up baby

Aug 27, 2005 08:53

yeah, yesterday band was mad fun, me and harold decided on prank calling ppl, so we called Alex Carlton. omg it was so funny. anyways. so i went home, corey drove me home. i talked to harold onlnie for like2 hours. because ed pushed steve in band, bc ed's a fucking faggotass idiot with no friends and steve fell and broke his wrist, yup so were a main bass drummer short. i might take that spot but i am not sure yet whats going on.

so i went home, then corey picked me up around 6ish and we went to the cow and got 2 12 packs. then we went to coreys and we all just hung, then like kenny and mike[the sceneish one that wears the tight pants and smokes mad weed] so we all just hung and stuff, then mike and kenny left and it was just me dana and corey and like we were talking bou mad shit. and now they got me to believe that harold likes me. oh god.i def wouldnt do anythign with him. its kinda weird, i dont really think he does, but when you think about it, it really seems like it.

yeah i fergot what iwas saying.

so i was really trashed last night.

and im madish at tom bc hes friends with kim loiza after what happened. and like hes like"HIII KIM YOU GOING TO MERL TOO?" and shit like that. and it fucking worries me. he thinks i am actully going to trust him or mostly her for that matter after that thing. FUCK NO. i mostly just dont trust her, me and jenn dinisio bc she loves me , might jump her soon. like if i see kim outside after school[bc shes gonig to merl with tom n eddie{hes the one that it seems liek hes trying to get tom to hang with more spanish or skanky girls so he can go off with them more. HEJXEU$%*$U^JSD$%}] anyways, so yeah that pisses me off. i guess you could look at this:

PS. i drunk while this happened. which is funny and all.

SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:22 AM]:  promis me u wnt do anything, or wnt let her do anything plz
 conflict[12:22 AM]:  k
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:22 AM]:  k
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:23 AM]:  nice answer
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:23 AM]:  like no i m really serious like it really hurt me
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:23 AM]:  last time
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:23 AM]:  mayb u dnt relize it
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:23 AM]:  but it did
 conflict [12:23 AM]:  hm
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:23 AM]:  no tom
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:23 AM]:  like i would cal u but its late
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:23 AM]:  like do u understand really
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:23 AM]:  it hurt, alot
 conflict [12:23 AM]:  yep
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:24 AM]:  mhm yeah
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:24 AM]:  i hope u understand
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:24 AM]:  cuz if it even happened again or close to, shed dead fasteer then fucknig light can travel.
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:25 AM]:  cuz that really made me feel like worthless to you just to let ya kno
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:26 AM]:  hopefulyl u relized that
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:26 AM]:  but i love you alot so like i forgave you
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:27 AM]:  r u still friends wit her anyway
 conflict[12:27 AM]:  sorta
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:27 AM]:  oh well just i dunno
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:27 AM]:  that kinda odd
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:27 AM]:  really
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:27 AM]:  if u put urself in my position i kno u wont forgive me
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:27 AM]:  like i know and everyone does
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:28 AM]:  i dunno i just dnt want u doin shit wit her cuz thatd really kill me and i know she would
 conflict [12:28 AM]: omg just drop it already
 SKaTmAn LiVeS [12:28 AM]:  dude its hard to drop if u were like me

then he ignored me the whole night while he was talking to val. i gota talk to her bout what she said. hahaha.she definatly said sumin bad.

whatever, i really wanted to hang with him, like whenever he could, but nah i have a wait a week bc well actully i dont know why, i really dont.

ill post pictures later tonight.

yeah size 3 pants are too big now.
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