Jul 25, 2008 12:26
So update time *flashing lights*
I will once again try to cover things in lists, as that seems to work best.
Work - ...not to much to report on the work front I guess. Another guy got canned, this time a guy from my class. That leaves Princeton, Jon, myself, and one other guy. Four people left out of my class of 30. It's kinda creepy to hear someone got offed so close to getting hired on (we are almost up to that point where Metevante can hire us on. Keep everything crossed for me that I do get hired on. Not only is that more job security, but better pay, and better vacation time as well. Also, it means I will be DONE with man power! *does a tiny jig* Currently also trying to soak up as much over time here as possible. I'm currently working another 12 hour day. I'm finding other then being exhausting, they really aren't THAT bad.
Family - Eh...I miss my grandma...still shaky when it comes to my dad. Little annoyed at mom, but all around, things are normal on this front.
Living situation - So, I filled out an app for Southgate apartments. Apparently I passed the credit check, and I verified my employment. I still needed someone to cosign for me though....quite sad really. Even sadder my mother wouldn't do it. >.< I'm kinda pissed at her, but I can't be to mad at her. She has helped me get a few things for said apartment. Also, I got lucky and Jon's mom cosigned for us. Like hell I'll even not make it on my rent! I'll start stripping after work to make the money if I have to. I'm danmed and determined to prove to my mom I'm not my dad and I don't fail face first at everything! However, once Jon gets a job paying rent will be MUCH easier. I can currently cover all rent myself and still live comfortably enough. Also, if anything has stuff they don't need or are willing to donate or sell, I would love it. So far I have:
~Dishes (old set from mom)
~Sharp knife set and holding block. (Aunt Mary sample sale)
~Rice/food steamer (Last Christmas)
~Computer desk, tv stand, and tiny book/dvd self (40$ cost to get from Jason and Vicki (<3 you guys))
~Small nightstand, tiny dresser, old on it's way out the door tv, and mini book/whatever I need it to be shelving thing (random assorted furniture around Jon's room that isn't falling apart)
~Hangers (bought them myself awhile ago)
~Two folding laundry baskets (one tiny one big from Jon's mom)
~PS2, Wii, Xbox360 ( compliments of my job, me, and Jon's change jar)
~Sushi dishes for two (OLD gift from my ex-step brother Jay)
~Random assorted plastic dish wear (pending, but from Gen)
~A pretty crackle blue bowl (me impulse buying at Target about a year ago)
~Toaster (Aunt Mary sample sale)
~Coffee maker (tenitive...Need to check with Aunt Mary)
~Queen size air mat (from when we moved to Chicago)
It sounds like a lot of stuff, but in reality it's not. Oh well, I need to maybe pick up a card table and some folding chairs for now until I can get a dining room table. It will be a little haphazard for a bit, but oh well, that’s life right?
I'm planning on having a little shindig at some point. Nothing huge, as the walls are rather thin from what I understand, but maybe a small Wii party or something.
Ramblings and random - I have recently become obsessed with the site www.esty.com ...SO MUCH STUFF! Also, I suppose I should add in here I am still on my nail polish kick something bad. >.< I <3 nail polish, and even more when it's in a fun color.
...and I have run out of things to say...D out!~