Description This is merely a version of the viral Agumon (aka BlackAgumon) wielding the Battle Hawk that Agumon could equip in Digimon World 4.
Attacks Battle Hawk: Attacks with his axe. Note: He has all Agumon varieties' attacks.
Evolution Evolves From
Evolves To
Greymon (Virus)/BlackGreymon Mega Axe Type
BlackGeoGreymon Mega Axe Type
Name and Etymology Black. Agu is short for Agurabana, which means "wide flat nose."
Usage Anyone can use this digimon.
Note: This digimon was created by raptorscribe. Note: BlackGreymon Mega Axe Type is merely a viral Greymon wielding a large axe. BlackGeoGreymon Mega Axe Type is described in my entry for BlackGeoGreymon.
Name: BlackAgumon/Agumon (Virus) Battle Hawk
Level: Child
Attribute: Virus
This is merely a version of the viral Agumon (aka BlackAgumon) wielding the Battle Hawk that Agumon could equip in Digimon World 4.
Battle Hawk: Attacks with his axe.
Note: He has all Agumon varieties' attacks.
Evolves From
Evolves To
Name and Etymology
Black. Agu is short for Agurabana, which means "wide flat nose."
Anyone can use this digimon.
Note: This digimon was created by raptorscribe.
Note: BlackGreymon Mega Axe Type is merely a viral Greymon wielding a large axe. BlackGeoGreymon Mega Axe Type is described in my entry for BlackGeoGreymon.
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