Oct 06, 2003 17:03
I must remember never to work with men on a project again. I've just gotten finished tearing Guy a new arsehole and I honestly don't know if he's going to continue to work with me which means trying to find another editor to work with me, not against me. We went through all the rough-cuts of all the song sequences to see what works and what doesn't for the propsed 2 hour film version of the concert vs. the full monty which will be released on DVD but not into the theatres. Most of the early stuff went pretty smoothly, nothing that a little tightening and change of shot here and there won't fix. However, we get to the "Stolen My Heart" bit and my mum's performance is in there fine but after the audience finishes reacting, we go on to the next song.
I made the mistake of asking him what happened to the rest of that section. The part where my dad, totally overwhelmed by the show of emotion for and by my mum (and the fact that she was in tears, no doubt) came down from his Very Special Box (which he wasn't supposed to do until he was at least introduced), swept my mum off her feet and gave her a kiss that shook the rafters. It was all really emotional and heartfelt, showed how much they still loved one another after nearly 40 years and well, it was a nice moment. However, it wasn't there. Next bit starts with Dad being on stage and starting his first number.
So Guy looked at me and says quite seriously "Oh, it was way too schmaltzy. It didn't work."
I glared at him and said "It's not for you to say if it worked or not. I want to see it. Did you even try to put something together or did you just leave it untouched?"
He looked rather guilty and finally admitted that, no, he hadn't put anything together but then again he thought he was making a rock n roll concert film, not a chick flick romance.
At that moment, I hit the roof. It was bad enough he had way too many close ups of Uncle Ego in there (who always seemed to be trying to find the camera so he could mug...he never did suss out that it was Not His Night...) and there was a glimpse of him snogging Auntie J at the same point my parents were doing their love bird imitation. But to cut the one really heavy moment beween Mum and Dad because he didn't like it? I lost it around then. It's not that I had to have it in there -- if it really didn't work, it would be taken out (but only after I let Dad see it and then let Dhan see it and then the three of us figured out a way of explaining it to Mum so she didn't go spare on us for removing it...). However, it was not Guy's call. Not in the least. I know I told him if he didn't like working on this and he was so enamoured with Uncle Ego, I'd gladly give him *his* phone number so he could suck up to him and perhaps work on one of his 9000 live concert films and put in all the fucking closeup he wanted. This, however, was a tribute to my dad, not his bloated ego of a supposed older brother.
Guy muttered something about dealing with "chicks on the rag" and went out for a ciggie. I didn't let him get away with that either and summarily sacked him. I was justified considering his attitude but now I'm fucked. I've got all this stuff to recut, I've got no editor and despite my ability to feel the pacing etc., I'm not proficient enough to cut this myself. Plus I just don't want to burden of it. I'm certain there have got to be editors out there who would pay me to work on the project -- it just bites that I've now got to put this on hold for at least a day or so until I find someone to come in on it and it means the whole thing has to go back to square one. I swear if I had a dick, this kind of crap would not be happening. No one would question my choices then. (Not that I actually want one but it would be nice to get some bloody respect for a change instead of condescention and a pat on the head & a biccy when I do something right).
Needless to say I've got a massive migraine from the stress and have to be at the headshrinker's with Rick in about an hour. The last thing I want to cope with at the moment is Our Problems when this project needs even more attention than I reckoned on. (This is what I get for not being here to supervise all summer -- unfortunately, I could not be in two places at once) The fucking film has to be in the theatres by February. The promotion needs to be done on it because I'd like there to be more than 5 people in the theatre when it shows. It's a big fucking deal and it deserves to be seen. Too many people worked too bloody hard for it to be ignored.
Also must remember to give Baby Brother massive amounts of shite tomorrow in terms of his onstage presence. Will threaten him with replacement CGI character who I can make smile and be relaxed in his place. No doubt it'll just make his pathetic fanbase even more swoony over him -- "Oh look at the poor baby. He's so scaaaaared! I just wanna hold him and love him and call him George!" Wanker. If JP hadn't been there to keep him focused, I swear he'd have puked all over his shoes.
Better get my shite together and get to the Headshrinker's. I'm sure that compared to my day today this will be a barrel of monkeys.