This Journal Has Been F-Locked!

Mar 30, 2011 21:27

Sorry to inconvenience anyone. Wait, I take that back, I'm not sorry.

Wait! Before you actually comment, I've got a few conditions that need to be made known.

~ You need to state at least one fandom we have in common when you comment on this entry. It can be as wide as an interest in horses, right down to a specific TV series or game.

~ No "chat speak" at all, please. I find it hard to read, and rather disrespectful. You are, however, allowed to write comments completely in "1337" (in English, that would be "leet", if my memory's working correctly) from time-to-time, as I find it fun to read. I will make a few exceptions to this, as I've been known to use some abbreviations myself (OMG, WTF, etc.).

~ My foreign language skills are rusty, though I do know words and sayings in a few languages. (Japanese, Spanish, Latin, French, Italian). English is preferred.

~ You don't have to comment on every entry, though I do love comments. And please, put your comments on the appropriate posts - I have a rather busy schedule and a bad memory, so taking the time to go through and comment where it's actually in context will mean I will actually make an effort to get back to you. I will not hesitate to delete comments that are not following this.

If you agree to the above terms, then go ahead and comment!

If you've been added by me prior to this event, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

If you found me through a friending meme, I'll add you when you comment where you found me.

friends only

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